♡︎ Chapter 55 ♡︎

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No One POV:

"Well well well~ who we have here~."


No One POV:

The cookies look up and their eyes widened who they saw was Y/n.... But she looked.... Not herself.....

Black liquid look like tentacles moved behind Y/n, the cookies look at Y/n but the cookies noticed something is wrong with Y/n body.

"Hello there~ Cookies~."Y/n said.

Y/n move forward and the cookies eyes widened, they saw Y/n body is covered by black liquid but her face is covered by the dark of the room.

The cookies saw Y/n body start to shake like she was giggling and the black liquid look like tentacles drop some black liquid in the floor as it was controlled and waiting for command.

Black liquid look like tentacles appeared on the floor and it knock over the bed and the box was knocked over aswell.

The cookies moved away from the bed as they looked at Y/n with guilt on their eyes as they saw what happened to Y/n.

"Y/n what happened to you...."Espresso said.

Y/n giggle again at the cookies but the giggle was so dark and deep and that makes the cookies sending shivers in their spine/cookie dough spine.

One of the cookies opened their mouth to say something but someone spoke first.

"Leave them alone please...."Familiar Female voice said.

'Wait.... Why does the female voice sound familiar like.... Y/n....'The cookies thought.

"And why should I?"Y/n asked.

"They don't deserve it...."The familiar female said.

"Yes they do! Do you remember what he did?!"Y/n said as she pointed at Espresso.

Espresso felt guilty of what he did in the past.

"But Espresso did meant it!"The familiar female said again.

"Why are you defending he hmm? He burned the letter's!"Y/n said.

But Y/n voice is..... Different.... It's sound like.... Y/n is not Y/n but a different person....

The cookies try to understand who is Y/n talking to because no one is behind, left side and right side her and Y/n and the cookies are the only one in the room.

So the question is who is Y/n talking to and where the female voice come from, why the female voice is so familiar to the cookies....

"Y/n.... Please.... I did not meant it to burn the letter's....."Espresso said.

"I know you did not meant it...."Familiar Female voice said.

Espresso didn't say anything and the other cookies didn't say anything aswell, the cookies trying to really understand what is going on and why the female voice sound a lot like Y/n.....

"So you are defending he huh?! Let's me remind you that he burned the letter's!"Y/n yelled.

"They left you alone! They abandoned you! They used you! Do you see that?! They-."Y/n was cut off.

"I KNOW THEY DID! YES I KNOW THEY ABANDONED ME! LEFT ME ALONG!"Familiar Female voice yelled back at Y/n.

"BUT THEY MADE A MISTAKE! OK?! AND I MADE A MISTAKE TOO!"Familiar Female voice yelled.


Y/n still silent and the cookies look at Y/n, they saw Y/n is mad by her body language of how mad Y/n is.

Y/n yelled back and familiar female yelled back at Y/n as they yelled back at each other, the cookies didn't move and the cookies are still confuse of why the female voice sound a lot like Y/n.

Cream unicorn looked at Y/n but something catch Cream unicorn attention, Cream unicorn turned their head and they saw something is shining at them.

Cream unicorn looked carefully and notice it was a box but the box looked like a music box.

The music box is made out of iron but the iron turned into rusk and the music box has small statue in the middle but the small statue can't see well but Cream unicorn knew it was a statue and the back of the music box has star's, the music box is very lovely and beautiful aswell.

Cream unicorn looked at music box it's was very familiar....

Cream unicorn looked at down on the music box and they saw gold in the middle and there was a name on it as cream unicorn looked carefully the name then their eyes widened that the name on the gold was Y/n on the music box....

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

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Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now