♡︎ Chapter 18 ♡︎

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Before we start

Warning:Cursing, fighting, Blood/Jam

Y/n POV:

Then I wake up....

I stood up and I noticed that I was sweating a lot

I look at my clock and it was 6:56 AM

I get out of my bed and I walk to the bathroom

I lock the bathroom door and I started to remove my clothes then I turn on the shower

•~Few minutes later~•

I was in the living room and I think about the dream I have

'What the hell what I was dreaming'I said in my thought

I get up and and I walk to the big photo frame covered by long white of sheets

I look at it and I sigh

Then I walk away from big photo frame covered by long white of sheets

'Was I making the right choice?'I said in my thought

•~Few hours later~•

It's was night time and the cookies are still here

Espresso Cookie was in the kitchen making dinner with Raspberry Cookie and Dark Choco Cookie and Blackberry Cookie and Eclair Cookie and Tea Knight Cookie

•~Skip Time~•

I was in the living and I was sitting in the fireplace and Espresso Cookie walk in

"Y/n you should in bed now and it's 9:36 PM now"Espresso Cookie said

"I will but I really need to finish this reading it"I said and I look at letter and this letter are from my brother's years ago before they died

Espresso Cookie sigh and walk towards me and grab the letter's

"Y/n you will read this letter tomorrow morning"Espresso Cookie said

"Espresso Cookie please give it back to me those letters are special to me"I said and I try to grab the letter's but espresso Cookie move his hand up so I can't get it

"No"Espresso Cookie said

I try to get it

"Espresso Cookie please give it to me!"I said in a yelled

But Espresso Cookie move his hand

Raspberry Cookie and Dark Coco Cookie and Blackberry Cookie and Eclair Cookie and Tea Knight Cookie walk in and to know what is happening

"Espresso Cookie please! Give it to me!"I said in yelled again

Then me and Espresso Cookie fall down

I look at Espresso Cookie and I saw the letter's are no longer in his hands

Then I smell something burning I look at the fireplace and saw the letters are burning

"No!"I said and I get up and I try to put out the fire but it was too late the letter's are fully gone

"No...."I said and I fall in my knees

Espresso Cookie get up

"Honestly what's so special this stupid letters anyways they are just letter's"Espresso Cookie said

With that I snapped

Get up and I look at Espresso Cookie

"Stupid letters and just letter's....?"I said and I was mad

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