♡︎ Chapter 25 ♡︎

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I have to do something and tell her don't blame herself anymore....


Walnut Cookie POV:

I look at them and they look shocked.

I let out of a sigh and I turn my attention to Princess Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie and Mango Cookie.

"Walnut Cookie we need to go and help the other's"Princess Cookie said.

"Ok, let's go then"I said.

Then me and Princess Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie and Mango Cookie run back where the portal is at.

•~Few minutes later~•

We ran and ran.

Then we heard the others are still attacking Y/n.

"Watch out for the wave!"Mango Cookie said using his attack at Y/n.

"I will smash you all!"Strawberry Crepe Cookie said using her attack at Y/n.

I look at the others, some of them are injured and jam is coming out and some of them are still standing.

But Custard Cookie the III is healing the injured cookies and he is the one healing here.

"Watch out!"I heard Princess Cookie yelled.

I look and I saw Y/n is attacking Pancake Cookie.

"Snow king!"Sown Sugar Cookie yelled and using his attack at Y/n but Y/n dodge it.

Then Y/n look at me and she smile creepily and she ran up to me.

The others used their attack to Y/n but unfortunately Y/n dodge all the cookies attack.

Y/n ran up to me and-

"Darkness be gone!"I heard someone yelled and I saw Y/n got fly back.

Y/n growled and Y/n hide in the darkness and I saw Knife's fly at me and the others.

"Out of my way!"I heard another cookie used their attack and the knife fall down.

I stood up and me and the others turn around and saw.....

The Adults Cookie are here.....

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

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<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now