♡︎ Chapter 52 ♡︎

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No One POV:

Y/n vision start to getting blurry then Y/n finally blackout.


No One POV:

Y/n parents headed the shatters noise in the other side of the phone.

"Sweetie?"M/n said.

There was no respond in the other side of the phone.

"Sweetie?! Are you ok?!"M/n said.

"Honey? What happened?"D/n said.

D/n turn his head to face his wife and they didn't know that there was a truck in right side and M/n looked in front.

"Dear! Watch out!"M/n yelled at D/n.

"Wha-"D/n said and he look in front of him.

Then the truck crashed into them and Y/n parents car fly to the left side and their car fell off by a cliff.

Y/n parents car is now upside down, M/n left eye is missing and her right arm and left leg has been twisted and her bones.

"Ow.... Dear.... Are you ok....?"M/n called out.

M/n open her right eye and she saw that D/n has a missing right eye and his arm is missing aswell, his stomach has been cut open and D/n stomach showed his inside like organs, lungs, kidneys, bones and more.

"Oh my goodness..... Dear?!"M/n yelled.

D/n grow and he open left eye then he looked at M/n.

"Ugh..... Honey....?"D/n called out.

"I'm here dear!"M/n said.

D/n looked at M/n and he saw she has left eye is missing and her right arm and left leg has been twisted and her bones.

"Oh my goodness..... Honey are you ok?!"D/n asked.

M/n was about to say something but was cut off by strange smell and noise sounds like electricity.

"Wait.... What is this smell....?"M/n asked.

D/n sniff the air and that's when it hit him.

"It's smells like.... Gasoline...."D/n said.

M/n and D/n eyes widened and the noise of electricity and the car exploded with M/n and D/n inside of the car.

A flash of light appeared of nowhere again and the cookies close their eyes once again, That's when the cookies open their eyes and they saw the room changes again.

The oroad at night along with a heavy rain in the outside road is now on where Y/n car in the trees.

The person stopped their car and they run towards Y/n car, They saw Y/n was unconscious and her forehead was bleeding out and the person pulled out they phone and called 911.

911 picked up their call and the person told the person in the other side of the phone that someone got an accident.

And that's when the ambulance arrived and they took Y/n to the hospital with the person who called.

Then a flash of light appeared of nowhere again and the cookies close their eyes once again, That's when the cookies open their eyes and they saw the room changes again.

The room is now in the hospital where Y/n is lying down on a bed.

Y/n start to wake up and the person notice that Y/n is awake.

"Oh thanks goodness you are awake!"The person said.

"What happened...."Y/n said.

"You get hit by a tree."The person said.

Then Beau run in room and he saw his little sister is awake in the bed.

"Sis!"Beau yelled.

Y/n looked in front of her and she saw Beau then Beau run to Y/n and he hugged her.

"Oh little sis! Never ever ever scared me like that again?!"Beau said as he started to cry as he still hugged Y/n so tight.

"Uhhh."The person said.

Beau looked at the person and he let go of Y/n and wipe his tears away then beau thank the person who called him and the person smile and say no problem then the person leaves.

Beau look at Y/n and Y/n looked at Beau.

"Sis are you ok?"Beau asked.

"I'm ok.... My head only hurts a little."Y/n said.

"That's good."Beau said.

"Hey bro."Y/n said.

"Yeah?"Beau said.

"Where is mom and dad?"Y/n asked.

Beau stay silent and Beau remember what the Doctor told him about what happened to their parents.

"Bro?"Y/n called out.

"Uhh.... You see little sis.... Mom and dad are.... Dead...."Beau said.

"Wait what.....?"Y/n said.

"Someone saw mom and dad car upside down in the bottom of the cliff and the car was in fire and they found mom and dad body.... And there was no sign of breathing in them...."Beau said.

Y/n stay silent and she started to cry out, Beau hugged Y/n as he pat her back.

"Shh.... It's ok little sis.... I'm still here...."Beau said.

Then a flash of light appeared of nowhere again and the cookies close their eyes once again, That's when the cookies open their eyes and they saw the room changes back.

The cookies look shocked and some of the other are terrified from what they saw in the past of the death of M/n and D/n.

'What in earthbread happened....'The cookies thought.

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

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Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now