♡︎ Chapter 22 ♡︎

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Almond Cookie POV:

They fall down in the bush and it's was Princess Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie and Mango Cookie and Walnut Cookie.....

"Kid!"I yelled.

"Almond Cookie!"The four of them said in the same time.

Them ran to me and the others.

"Wait..... Where are the others?!"Wizard Cookie said.

"Well you all see-"Princess Cookie was about to say something but she was cut off by Walnut Cookie.

"It's Y/n!"Walnut Cookie yelled.

Me and the others look at Walnut Cookie.

"You and the others went to visit Y/n?!"I yelled at Walnut Cookie.

"Walnut Cookie I told you not to visit Y/n anymor-"I was cut off by Walnut Cookie.

Walnut Cookie give me paper.

"Read it"Walnut Cookie said.

I look at Walnut Cookie a d I look at the paper then I begin to read it.

After minutes or soon.

I was reading the paper and I was shock.

Then Espresso Cookie walk to me and grab the paper has red stain on it.

Then Vampire Cookie walk to me and Espresso Cookie and Vampire Cookie smell it.

"Hmm...."Vampire Cookie let go a ham.

"Well? What us it?"Espresso Cookie said to Vampire Cookie.

"It's smell's like...."Vampire Cookie said and he smelled it again then his face turn into a shock.

"Vampire Cookie?"I call him out.

"Well what is it smelled like?"Espresso Cookie said.

"Blood...."Vampire Cookie said.

"Blood? Wh-"I was about to say something but I cut off by Vampire Cookie.

"Blood.... Human blood.... It's small like....."Vampire Cookie said.

Then Vampire Cookie said the next thing, me and the others face turn into a shock when.

"This blood.... is Y/n blood...."Vampire Cookie said.

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

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<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now