♡︎ Chapter 11 ♡︎

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Miss Cora POV:

I walk to Y/n room to take a test of Y/n

•~20 minutes later~•

Y/n POV:

I wake up and I found myself in hospital bed?

I stood up and look around and it looks like I'm still in hospital

Then I heard the door open and I turn around and saw Max

Max walk up to me

"Hey Y/n how are you feeling?"Max asked

"I'm fine"I said

Then max sit down and look at me

"Y/n.... I took some test on you and will.... I found out.... You.... You have COPD/chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis...."Max said

My eyes widening

Max pull out battle of pills and give it to me

"You may need this if you coughing up blood again"Max said

I looked at the pills and it's called ‘cough suppressants’

I look at max

"Thank you"I said and I get out of the bed

I walk out of room then-

"Do you want me to drive you back home?"Max asked

"Max no need I will be ok"I said

"Ok then.... Just be careful...."Max said

"I will and besides I'm not a kid anymore"I said and I walk out of the hospital

I was walk back to my car

Once I arrive my car

I was about to get in

Then someone grab my arms

Then I feel a knife in my neck

"Don't move"Someone said and it's sounds like a guy

"Give me everything you have"He said

Then I opened my mouth to say something then someone knock him out

He fall in the ground and the knife fell down aswell

I turn around and I saw who save me

It's was Latte Cookie and Mint Choco Cookie and Clover Cookie

"Y/n! Are you ok?!"Latte Cookie said and she walk up to me

"I'm ok and thanks for save me aswell"I said

"No problem Y/n"Clover Cookie said

Almond Cookie rent up to me and the others

"Y/n there you are"Almond Cookie said

Then Almond Cookie look at the ground and saw a guy and a knife

"What happened here?"Almond Cookie asked

"Some guy put a knife in Y/n neck but me and clover Cookie and Latte Cookie save Y/n and now he is conscious"Mint Choco Cookie said

"I see"Almond Cookie said

•~Few hours later~•

•~At home~•

Me and Mint Choco Cookie and Latte Cookie and Clover Cookie and Almond Cookie arrived back at home

I opened the front door and I walk in followed by Mint Choco Cookie and Latte Cookie and Clover Cookie and Almond Cookie

I close the door

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