♡︎ Chapter 3 ♡︎

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Latte Cookie POV:

'....Something wrong about Y/n, She is hiding something that we cookie's don't know'I though

•~The next day~•

It was morning

I walk outside my house and saw every cookie who wants to meet Y/n

I walk to every Cookie's

"Hey guys"I said

"Oh hello latte Cookie"Gumball cookie said

"So who is going to see Y/n?"I said

"Me"Almond cookie said

"Ok but I need to tell you guys something"I said

Every cookie's look at me

"I saw something and Y/n swallow it but I don't know what is it"I said and I look at every cookies

"Well whatever Y/n swallowed maybe is just a candy"Gumball cookie said

"Maybe"I said

Then a portal open and Almond cookie walk-in

'I hope Y/n is ok and not doing anything crime things'I thought

•~At Y/n~•

Y/n POV:

(Give credit to LizztheLioness some of Chapter's are her work because my cousin copy her book work and I'm sorry my cousin)

I was watching TV then my stomach start to growling

'Hmm, what will I eat?'I said in my thought

'Maybe hamburger? No pasta? No, I already eat pasta yesterday'I said in my thoughts

"Hmm Oh I know! Pizza!"I said and I grab my phone and call my favorite (Any pizza place)

"Hello, (pizza place), how can I help you?"The pizza boy said into the phone after picking up.

"Hello pizza can I have a delivery"I said

"Oh, I'm so sorry we're not able to deliver today Is pick up okay?"The pizza Boy said

I thought it over before ultimately deciding that traveling for food wasn't to bad Especially since it's pizza

"Yeah that's fine"I said

I place my order and grab my car keys and jacket (any clothes you guys want)

Just as I about to walk out the door

I heard someone clearing their throat

I look to the side and see Almond Cookie on the TV stand

"Oh, hey Almond Cookie"I said

"Sorry I didn't see you"I said again

"And where do you think you're going so late at night, Kid?"Almond Cookie said and crossing his arms

You look at the clock

It 8:51 PM

"To get food and Besides it's not that late"Almond Cookie said

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