♡︎ Chapter 46 ♡︎

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Parfait Cookie POV:

'What in Earthbread just happened....'We thought.


Parfait Cookie POV:

We looked at each other and tried to understand what on Earthbread we saw.

"So...."I heard Pomegranate said.

"Dax.... Is the same little boy...."Mango said.

"And Dax is the sibling of Y/n aswell."Pomegranate said.

Pomegranate POV:

"And Dax is the sibling of Y/n aswell."I said.

Some of them nodded and some of them mumble at theirself, I looked around the room but I should a feeling that there is something or someone in here with us.

I don't know how but I have a feeling that there is something or someone is here with us, watching us and listening every conversation we have.

I shook my head to ignore the feeling, I looked at the others and the others looked at me aswell.

"But the question is why did Dax saved us if Dax is Y/n little brother."Espresso said.

"Oh yeah."I said.

"Why did Dax save us from Y/n if he let us crumble or stab."I said with annoyance along with serious.

"Strawberry Crepe."Madeleine said.

I rolled my eyes and I looked at him with annoyance looked aswell.

"Because I don't want to see you guys getting hurt from her."Male voice said.

I jumped a little bit and I turned around, The others and I looked who is behind, There I saw the little boy AKA Dax....

"D-Dax!"Mango said.

"Hello Everyone."Dax said.

We looked at Dax and we are shock to see Dax here, Dax look at us and I should feel Dax eyes are sad but Dax face is happy aswell.

"Dax what do you mean by 'You don't want to see us getting hurt from her'."Madeleine asked.

Dax looked at us and he let out a sigh then Dax is no longer happy but Dax face is full with sorrow now.

"You see.... It's hard to explain this.... But.... We only know that Y/n who has been trying to stab you guys is not my sister.... Or the Y/n you know...."Dax said.

We looked at Dax in a confused face and Dax let out another sigh again then Dax looked at us with a worried face.

"What do you mean by that?."I asked.

"I mean That Y/n is not the real Y/n."Dax said.



Kumiho Cookie POV:

I was walking in the hallway with Pastry, Lilac, Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla Cookie.

I was looking around and Dark Cacao is in the back with Pure vanilla to see if someone or Y/n is coming.

The others are looking around to find anything that why Y/n is hurting us with no reason at all.

I looked over my shoulder and I saw the others are looking around, Dark Cacao is looking around behind us with Pure Vanilla.


We all stopped walking and All of a Sudden we heard something Crashed, We looked at each other and we looked in front of us.


We kept walking and we saw there were two doors, We stopped walking and we looked at the doors.


I walk to the one door and I grab the door knob, I turn the door knob but it was locked and I let go of the door knob.

I looked at the other door and I walked to the other door, I grabbed the door knob and once I turned the door knob, The door wasn't locked.

I turned the door knob and I pushed the door, I walked in with the others and we saw that the room is so darker.

"It's so dark here, We need to find the lights switch."Lilac said.

"Alright."Pure Vanilla said.

I and the others walked around to find the lights switch then the light was on now.

I turned around and I saw the others were looking at something, I walked to them, I stopped walking and I saw there is Male, the male has Light blue with white hair and his eyes are Light blue.

The Light blue with white hair male is with a kid, we looked at the kid but the kid looks very familiar to us for some reason.

The kid looks like a female and the female kid looks like Y/n for some reason....

We saw the kid holding looks like a ball in the kids arms, The kid ran to the hair Light blue with white male.

"Hey Big brother!"The female kid said.

The male turned around and He saw the kid, we saw the male is smiling at the kid.

"Oh hey Y/n! My little sister!"Male said.

"Wait.... That kid is Y/n?!"Pastry said.

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

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Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now