♡︎ Chapter 23 ♡︎

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Almond Cookie POV:

"This blood.... is Y/n blood...."Vampire Cookie said.

The others let out of a gasped and their eyes become widened.

'What....? The blood belongs to Y/n....?'I said in my thoughts.

Pure Vanilla Cookie & Hollyberry Cookie POV:

'Wait what?! The blood is Y/n blood?! Have Y/n hurting herself?!'I said in my thoughts.

Latte Cookie POV:

'What?! That is Y/n blood?! Did someone hurt Y/n?!'I said in my thoughts.

Dark Choco Cookie POV:

'That blood is Y/n blood....? Wait why I'm worry about her?'I said in my thoughts.

Walnut Cookie POV:

"How is that Y/n blood? I thought we took care of her and now she is coughing up blood again"Espresso Cookie said.

"Impossible! We took care of her!"Licorice Cookie said.

"Then why smell like Y/n blood?"Vampire said.

"Maybe she's injured"Espresso Cookie said.

"Or maybe someone hurt her!"Latte Cookie said.

"Maybe we should go and see Y/n if she ok"Pure Vanilla Cookie said.

"Excuse me what?"Espresso Cookie said.

"I said maybe we should go and see Y/n if she ok"Pure Vanilla Cookie said again.

"Ok no"Espresso Cookie said.

"What? Why not?"Pure Vanilla Cookie asked.

"Well one Y/n attack me two She injury me and Raspberry Cookie and Dark Choco Cookie And Blackberry Cookie and Tea Knight Cookie aswell"Espresso Cookie said.

"Well you burn the letters of her parents and brother's"Red Velvet Cookie said.

"You have a point but we cookie and Y/n is human"Almond Cookie said.

Me and Princess Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie and Mango Cookie are only listening what then saying.

"Walnut Cookie we can't stand here and do nothing"Mango Cookie said.

"Mango Cookie is right we need to get back and help the other's"Princess Cookie said.

"Alright then let's g-"I said about to say but I was cut off by Almond Cookie.

"Oh no you kids aren't going anywhere and going to Y/n"Almond Cookie said.

"But Almond Cookie-"Princess Cookie was about to say something but she was cut off by Almond Cookie again.

"No you kids are going hom-"Almond Cookie was cut off by me.

"No we are not going home"I said.

"Walnut Cookie you and the kids are going home now"Almond Cookie said.

"Y/n is just coughing up blood agai-"Almond Cookie was cut off by me again.

"No! Y/n is not coughing up blood again! and that's because Y/n have other condition that she hide it from us!"I said.

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

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<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now