♡︎ Chapter 17 ♡︎

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Y/n POV:

I think everything in my thoughts then after a minute or so I fall asleep....

Third Person POV:

It's been weeks Y/n has COPD/chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis

Every cookie visit Y/n to check on her and some of the cookies play with her aswell to keep her company

And some of the cookies want to stay with Y/n but they know it was bad idea

Y/n slowly getting better and her COPD/chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis slowly faded

Every cookie notice it and they are happy to know that Y/n is getting better from her COPD/chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis

But Y/n didn't tell the cookies about her PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder aswell

Y/n was scared so Y/n didn't tell them anything about her PTSD/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The cookies notice it but they think it's her COPD/chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis so they don't pay attention to it because they know Y/n will get better

But oh boy they are wrong....

•~Memory/Dream/Nightmare is starting~•


Y/n POV:

I wake up and I noticed that I'm in front of the house

'Huh? Why I'm in front of the house?'I said in my thoughts

I walk up at the house and I walk inside

Inside of the house is quiet....

Very quietly....

I walk around until I walk in the kitchen

I noticed the portal is open....

I walk in the portal and I'm in the cookie run kingdom world

I walk up to the kingdom until I hear someone yelling

I looked up and I saw Espresso cookie

I walk up to Espresso cookie then-

Espresso cookie push me

"E-Espresso cookie?"I said

"Why....Why are you here...."Espresso cookie  said

"I saw the portal open and my gut told me that I go in and so I'm here"I said

"You are here to let the other's cookies die...."Espresso cookie said

"Wait.... What....?"I said

"Don't play dumb Y/n! The other Cookie's are dead from you!"Espresso cookie said

'No.... That's not true...'I said in my thoughts

"And now you are here.... To let the other's cookies dead...."Espresso cookie said

That everything turned black....

I look around then I heard voice....

"You let us dead...."Hollyberry Cookie said

"You didn't help us.... You are heartless...."Black Raisin Cookie said

"Why did I help you....I wish I didn't help you so the person harassed you...."Almond Cookie said

I put my hands on my ears to ignore the voice's....

But it's didn't work....

I still hear the voice's of the cookies....

"You are heartless Y/n...."Every cookie's said

"You are a monster...."Every cookie's said

"I'm not heartless...."I said

"And I'm not monster aswell...."I said again

Then I rent....

"Why can't...."

I rent....

"you ...."

I keep rent....


Tears are falling down in my cheek's and I fall on the ground....


I hug my legs in my chest.... to ignore it.... But no....

"D.I.E...."Every cookie's said


•~Memory/Dream/Nightmare ended~•

Then I wake up....

<--------•~To be continue~•--------->

Needed Love And Care For Human (Cookie run Kingdom x Human female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now