♡︎ Chapter 4 ♡︎

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"Y/n is taking something that we don't know about"Almond Cookie said

•~The next day~•

Y/n POV:

It was afternoon and I was in the kitchen and I was making a snack

Then I accidentally cut myself with a knife

"Oh dear"I said to myself

I grab alcohol and pull a little bit of alcohol in my finger

Then I heard someone is screaming and it was coming from outside

I rent outside then-

(Give credit to LizztheLioness some of Chapter's are her work because my cousin copy her book work and I'm sorry my cousin)

"Get away from me!!"Someone said

The voice is is familiar but I knew who it was

It's was Licorice Cookie.....

I rent and I saw Licorice and stray cat

Licorice Cookie spots you and rents to me

The stray cat was on his tail though

Licorice Cookie jumps and so does the stray cat

I catch the Licorice cookie and the cat misses him by a hair

Then stray cat looks up at me and growls

I look at the stray cat

"Shoo! Go away!"I said with using my foot

Once the stray cat is gone

I look at my hands

Licorice Cookie who was trembling in my hands

"Are you okay Licorice Cookie?"I ask

Licorice Cookie gives me a very shaky thumbs up...

Then he passes out

"Oh dear"I said to myself

I look down at the passed out Licorice cookie in my hands with sigh

'I better get him inside before something else happened'I said in my thoughts

I walk back to the front of your home and unlock the door

Just as I walk into the house and place Licorice Cookie gently on the couch

I walk back to the kitchen and the clean everything I used

Then I walk back to the living room and I look at Licorice Cookie and see that he's awake

He looked rather unimpressed

"What?"I ask alone with shoulders

"You do realize I could've handled that creature myself"Licorice Cookie said

I almost laugh

"Right, right. The way you leaped into my hands says otherwise Licorice Cookie"I said

"Bah!"Licorice Cookie said and crosses his arms

I laugh ad sit myself down on the couch next to him

"So what were you up to Licorice Cookie?"I said

"Yes, well, I was looking for something"Licorice Cookie said

"Oh? What do you want from me?"I ask

Know that Licorice Cookie was probably he was lying

He sighs

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