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We had been crashing at Camilla's house for around six days now, and things were pretty silent back at home. No word from Angelo, and nothing was going around on the socials, surprisingly.

I had spent the last couple days alone trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened, and what's next for us. We had to go back to LA one way or another, we can't hide forever. There was more to those men then just street racing, they thought they could dominate any illegal activity going on throughout Los Angeles, stuff I wish I never had to know about. After growing up with them, I wanted to be nothing like them. I've been messy for so long now, and I need to change. I've always felt like the only way out is to take them out. As harsh as it sounds, they've never done anything good for our city, they destroyed lives, families... What was left of my family. They wont get away with instilling their old ways on the newer generation.

"You okay out here, mister?" Camilla's sweet voice approached from behind me as I sat alone around thefire pit in the backyard of her family home. I kept my fingers interlocked and close to my body as she sat in the chair across from me.

"I've just been thinking... Wondering what's next for all of us. Being out here without the distractions has made things a lot clearer for me," I sighed, trying to rid of the past scenarios that played through my mind.

"We'll get past this Justin, and we'll do what is right for us, and everyone." Camilla rested her chin in the palms of her hands, staring at the rough ground between us.

"I thought I would never have to see this side of me again. I've started shit I don't know if I can finish, Cam." I admitted.

"Why are you doubting yourself after all we've been through? We're almost there Justin, closer than you think." She tried to reassure me, a promising smile resting on her lips.

"I don't want this to be our life. I didn't think our story would begin from this kind of mess. You deserve the world Camilla and you shouldn't have to deal with what I've brought upon you." I pressed my fingers against my eyes trying to suppress any other thought that tried to escape my mouth.

"This kind of 'mess' is only going to shape our future and everything we believe in. While being kidnapped and being caught in the crossfire isn't always an ideal situation, I know we're doing it for all the right reasons."

"I hate how much you sound like me right now," I chucked into my hands before looking up at Camilla, a sincere but serious expression plastered on her face.

"I love how honest you're being with me right now. Sober looks good on you." She looked me up and down before planting herself  beside me, leaning her head upon my shoulder.

She's right... Maybe that's why I've had some sort of clarity these last few days.

I intertwined my fingers with hers, letting out another sigh. Our moment was quickly disrupted as the boys busted through the back door, drinks in their hands and smiles on their faces.

"What are you two getting up to out here, huh?" Za cheesed, making himself comfortable beside me, the smell of alcohol leaking from his pores.

"We're just talking," Camilla answered before I could as the rest of the boys made themselves at home with us.

"Want a drink, Bieber?" Lewis cracked open a beer, his arm stretched out waiting for me to take up the offer.

"I'll pass." I answered bluntly, making no room for them to consider convincing me to have one.

"Alright, alright." Lewis took a sip from the freshly cracked can, switching between the two he had in both hands.

Za whipped out his lighter in an attempt to start the fire, in which Camilla quickly assisted in bringing the fire to life after witnessing Za's struggle to start a spark. I watched on as they concentrated, successfully making a decent sized flame for us to sit around.

"And we've got fire! Where the marshmellows at shawty?" Lewis blurted out, a slurred smile on his lips as he laughed.

The boys shared a couple of laughs as the fire continued to rage on into the night, while me and Camilla sat side by side in our own world as we embraced eachothers' presence. As much as things needed to get a move on right now, this is the most peace I've felt in a long time.

I'm grateful Camilla's parents have let us stay for as long as we have, it's quite nice to spend time with a somewhat peaceful, stable, normal family... something I never got to experience. I can tell Cam isn't that close with them, but atleast she still has them both in her life, and I know they'd be there for her at the drop of a hat. I wonder what life would have been like if I had of grown up with a family who would do anything for you, to make you feel safe, feel loved.

"Are you okay Justin?" Camilla questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts as she traced her fingers up and down my forearm.

"Let's go inside," I grabbed her hand and wondered up to her house in the dark, making a B line to her quiet room away from those roudy drunk boys.

"I prefer it when it's just us," I wrapped my arms around her waist, lightly kissing the tip of her nose as her warmth radiated through me.

"Me too," she reciprocated, lacing her arms over my shoulders and blessing me with a couple of sweet kisses upon my lips.

"I like all this playing pretend, as though everything is ever so perfect," Camilla softly giggled, followed up with a sigh.

"It feels a little too good to huh?" I smiled down at her, my grip still tight. "Let's hope it wont be pretend for much longer."


"What the fuck is this?" Za yelled from the other room, all seriousness within his voice.

I peeled my eyes open, bouncing up from Camilla's bed into the boys' room to see what all the fuss was about. "What's wrong?" I rubbed at my tired eyes, as Za sat in disgust.

In his hands was my phone- how the fuck did he get my phone?

"Are these photos real Justin?" He pointed the phone towards me, with the photos of him and Lewis spooning out on display.

I tried my best to hold back a laugh, Za cutting me off before I could even say a word. "That's fucked up Justin."

"You're the one in the picture cuddling Lewis," I bursted into laughter, keeping eyes on an unimpressed Za. "You're lucky I haven't posted that anywhere,"

"Yeah fuck you too Bieber,"

I continued to laugh, Brandon and Jaden joining in as they bursted into fits of laughter.

"That's too fucking good," Brandon wiped fake tears from his eyes, throwing me a high five.

"Why the fuck do you on my phone anyway, huh?" I raised a brow at Za, now standing with my arms crossed.

"I wanted to contact Angelo, make sure everything is okay on that side of things."

"No news is good news, right? Now don't touch my phone again," I playfully but sternly spoke, recieving a nod from Za. "On the topic of good news, things seem to have calmed down and I dare say we'll be back on our way to California in the next few days."

"It seems a little soon to be going back, doesn't it?" Brandon questioned.

"Yes, exactly. That's what they're least expecting. I think we'll be okay."

"If you say so J."

"Trust me, we've got this."

Despite whatever they're thinking, I know everything will work out fine. As long as things go to plan.

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