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Camilla just cried and cried. I don't know why, but that's all she could express to me. She cried herself tired, and passed out on the bed. It's almost like everything that has happened these past few months just got released. I stayed with her for almost an hour until she fell asleep, and her absence bought back the anger that fuelled through my veins like a drug. Not only the Brotherhood, but knowing someone in this villa right now had the guts to fucking spike my girls drink. What the fuck did they think they were going to get out of her while I wasn't in the room? Clearly they gave her ecstasy or something along those lines because she was as happy and loving as ever, until I stopped her. Lucky she came to me and didn't stick around those guys. She 'loves them guys so much', but I don't trust them. I know my boys wouldn't do that, even Jaden, they know not to fuck around with me. These stupid Utah kids don't know me, so I'll show them the real me.

I quietly padded away from the bed Camilla slept so peacefully in, even with the music still pounding in the background. I shut the master bedroom door behind me and made my way back down to where the guys were.

I kid you not, Ethan had a girl wrapped around his waist, bouncing on his dick, in the middle of the fucking living room. George and whatever the others' names  were filming, laughing as they did so. My boys were sitting there, doing nothing about it.

"How was Camilla bro? She seemed pretty down to fuck anything by the time she ran up to find you," Za cheesed, sipping on the last bit of vodka from the bottle.

I ripped the glass free from Za's grip, vigorously throwing it across the other side of the room causing it to shatter. "What the fuck is wrong with you all!" The girl squealed and Ethan fell onto the couch with her half naked next to him, shock visable in both their faces. He quickly gathered up his clothes and assembled them back on his body.

"This was Camilla's night! I didn't invite you lowlife cunts out here to fuck up her Birthday!" I threw a punch straight into Ethan's mouth, and my fist began to throb as the impact of my hit was harder then I thought.

I watched as he struggled to stand on his two feet, the alcohol and whatever drugs he took clearly effecting him as well as my swing. He spat a mixture of saliva and blood onto the floor, trying to gather himself in front of me. "I didn't fucking give her anything." He hissed, poking his chest out as he faced me.

"She fucking took something- more then just alcohol. One of you sleazy bastards gave her something. I'm not fucking stupid!" my fists clenched as I was about to throw another hit, Lewis stopping me this time.

"Justin, please calm down." He tried to talk softly, but he wasn't helping.

"My girl just balled her eyes out on her birthday, until she couldn't cry anymore. Her fucking birthday for fuck sake! You took this opportunity to take all the drugs you could and fuck some hooker you found, and I'm sure if it wasn't that dumb bitch, you would've had your hands all over Camilla with what you gave her. I thought you guys were her friends, but I guess you fucked that up too!" I forced another punch into Ethan's skull, this time knocking him to the ground.

"Justin!" Camilla yelped from the top of the staircase, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. "What are you doing?" she shouted in concern, looking past me to her 'friend' on the ground.

Unsteady breaths escaped my lips as I dragged myself up to her. I parted my lips to speak, but I let a sigh be my response. I dodged past Camilla back to the bedroom, her footsteps pacing behind me in my shadows. She caught up to me and laced her fingers with mine, my knuckles throbbing as her fingertips traced over them.

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