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The whole ride back to Calabasas Justin told me everything that the Brotherhood knows. So far, they only know that I'm a girl, and that my name is Camilla Thompson.

Apparently Za's cousin is part of the Brotherhood, which only made me nervous. I've tried to create some sort of trust with Justin, but I'm concerned about the rest of his squad. I know he has been trying to protect me, but Justin could still dob me in. Who knows what they could say to convince him.

I get knocked out of my thoughts when Justin flicks a silver lighter open and lights the end of a cigarette that sat between his lips. I watch as he takes in a large breath of smoke, before spewing it out the crack of the window.

I nudge his arm and point at the box opened in his lap, signalling to give me one. He shook his head from left to right signalling 'no', letting the stick dangle from his mouth.

I tugged the cigarette from his mouth when he took his attention off of me, quickly huffing in a good amount of the substance, letting the relaxing feeling take over me.

Justin grunted, snatching it out from my fingers and reclaiming what was his.

I displayed a playful smile, only to see Justin's irritated frown. He tucked away the cigarette box, and took another drag from his smoke.

"Don't do that again." He sternly spoke, keeping his eyes on the road. I rolled my eyes, waving him off.

"Whatever Bieber," I looked at him through the corner of my eye, my words causing him to snap his neck towards me.

"Stop pushing me, I'm not going to put up with your shit when you're in my house." He replied, trying to finish off his cigarette as quickly as possible.

I sighed, not knowing what to reply. Something was up with him, literally ever passing hour since he's taken me from Vegas, he's getting weirder and weirder. He would be really nice one second, then fully spaz out at me the next. I mean I was pushing his limits a little bit, but I'm glad he was only throwing words my way, not fists.

We made it back to Justin's home, coming to a quick stop at the bottom of the stairs that lead to his front door.
He hopped down from his side of the vehicle, heading straight to the front door, totally ignoring me, and slamming it behind him.

I shrugged him off, hauling my heavy duffle bag over my right shoulder with the rest of my belongings tight in my arms. I hobbled up the stairs and entered through the large doors.

I took myself up the curved stairs, listening Justin's muffled voice yell from an unknown room. His voice was filled with anger and echoed loudly through the empty house. No replys were heard which led me to believe he was on a phone call.

I shuffled past the door that he stood behind, trying not to eavesdrop on his conversation.  Successfully getting past, I made it to the familiar room that I had stayed in the night before.

I dropped everything that dangled from my body onto the big bed, and sat along the edge. I fiddled with my thumbs, listening to Justin finish the call.

I heard his foot steps pad across the floor until he stood in the doorway of my room, his fists where clenched by his sides with made me stiffen up.

"If you hear anyone arrive, stay in this room. You got that?" He raised a brow and I nodded, obeying his words.

"Good. I'll see you later." Justin's furrowed brows softened as he showed a very soft smile before closing the door of my now new bedroom.

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