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The whole drive from Vegas back to California, Camilla slept peacefully in the car seat beside me. I only drank earlier that night, which meant I wasn't very intoxicated. The high from some coke kept me running for the early morning trip back to Calabasas.

Camilla on the other hand, I'm surprised she didn't have alcohol poisoning. I don't know her drinking habits, but she doesn't seem the type to drink that amount.

When I found her in the lobby of the hotel, she was pretty much off her head. She was oblivious to what shit she had herself in.

//5 days ago//

"You will never believe this!" Za stares in awe down at his phone. He passed it around to Brandon and Lewis, before it met up with me.

"Cam Cuda's a chick, dude!" Lewis yells, handing the phone toward me as Za brings a hand up to his mouth, letting out a 'ooo'.

I scanned over the texts that were received from his cousin, Angelo, who was part of the Brotherhood. We always had connections to the Brotherhood, and we were always on their good side, because we had to be. My heart pumps with concern, the news catching me by surprise. 

"Who knows?" I clenched my jaw tight, glaring emotionless to Za.

"Only the Brotherhood. This shit is too serious to be put all over the media," He replies as I nod my head to his answer.

I sink back into the lounge replaying the memory of the race, over and over in my head. Balling my hands into fists, I pulled myself up and grab the keys to my car that sat on the coffee table in front of me.

"I'll be back soon," I threw a jacket over my shoulders, hearing a bunch of confused 'byes' as I shut the front door behind me.

I quickly leave the premises in my black Range Rover, hoping not to get recognized in my signature car. I don't know why but I was being gravitated towards the house where that incident that played in my head occurred, but I needed to go there.

After a drive that felt like forever, I parked out front of the familiar home, that didn't look so much the same.

The windows had been smashed in, and punctured with multiple bullet holes. Panic rushed over me, seeing the front door that was cracked open a little.

I pulled up a small pistol that was laced on my belt, pushing open the door with the tip of my boot.

Scanning over the interior, there was no one to be seen. Furniture was disorganized all over the living room, and cabinets and cupboards were emptied of little trinkets and papers, that were now scattered all over the stained carpet.

Frustrated, I shake my head as if it was my fault. If I never wanted to race this wouldn't of happened. I let out a heavy breath, before leaving the raided house.


The boys and I finally arrived to Vegas to celebrate the annual racing weekend. This year will be our third year participating, and I've been waiting a whole 365 days for this weekend  to come.

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