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I held Camilla's hand in mine as we entered the house, stopping her in her tracks I forced her attention on me. "I have some stuff to do, but if you're still awake later, I'll see you then?" I whispered encouragingly, hoping she would stay up for the next few hours.

"I'll see, Justin. It's almost ten-o-clock though."

"Please?" I held her hand tighter, sticking out my bottom lip.

She simply giggled, turning her head to the side trying to contain her smile. "I said I'll see." She ended with that, letting her hand slip out from mine she made her way who knows where, but the boys needed me in the meeting room.

I bounced over to the room, pushing open the door all three pairs of eyes pierced through me, sending confused and almost concerned looks.

"C'mon bro, we've been waiting for you, we wanna get back to our games," Za whined snacking on a packet of chips, swinging back and forth in his chair. This was the last thing I wanted to do tonight, but I needed to update a few things about our next job.



He had me feeling some sort of way. Those first two kisses lead me to something better then I could imagine. I'm starting to think they meant something to him, as much as they did for me. I can't say I never not liked him- I looked up to him, coming to this city I wanted to achieve the things he did, the things Kaos did. I watched him be the little boy beside the Brotherhood leaders to becoming the leader of the number one squad called Kaos. Me going along with my plan, I never thought I'd end up here. I thought I'd stay in the shadows, but Justin being Mr. Number-one he had to get back at me. I guess things didn't go the way he expected them to either.

Usually being a part of a squad connects you like brothers, like a family. It was never like that with Justin. He admitted he liked me, and I don't think he's going to hide it any longer. I'm not complaining.

Speaking of Justin, as soon as we got home he left me to talk to the guys about some squad shit, and expected me to stay awake for him. I took a shower, got in comfy clothes, picked at some food in the kitchen and took over the guys' video games that they left on pause.

The next hour went by so quickly, I was fully concentrated on the game and didn't notice the time. A loud, whiny groan came from the direction of the boys as they walked from the meeting room to where I was. I could tell that they were annoyed about me taking over, but I didn't care.

I sheepishly grinned getting up from my position, handing Za the controller and stepping out from the living room. He happily snatched the controller out from my hands and sat down with a chuckle.

Justin stood in the door way with his hands shoved into his pockets, watching my every move as I stepped towards him. He stepped ahead of me and motioned to follow, so I did.

We ended up outside the house, on the porch chairs that we sat on a night too long ago. Justin sat down and pulled me down along side him, a small sigh escaped his lips as he sunk back into the cozy chair cushions.

"What did you guys talk about?" I asked curiously.

"Angelo just updated us on some stuff; The Brotherhood are in temporary hiding because of what we did, they have postponed all their jobs, even looking for you." He softened his voice, a sense of relief vibrated off him, which made me feel somewhat comfortable. Justin had been worrying for too long, he needed a break.

"I'm sorry it's been a rough ride since you got here. I promise it will get better, I'll make things right," Justin said with pure confidence in his voice. He nudged himself closer to me so that our shoulders were touching, both of us staring out into the darkness of the night.

"I just really, really want to be back on the road." I admitted, although I felt like it was pointless mentioning it. He wasn't going to let me race, even though they wanted to see me.

Justin cupped my cheeks in the warmth of his hands, his sparkling eyes staring right through mine. "You will race again, Camilla. We just have a few things to do to get there, right?" I nodded my head, Justin's hands still firm on my cheeks. A sweet but sinister smile crawled upon his lips.

"Right." I confirmed, receiving a quick but gentle kiss from Justin. I felt the little butterflies dance around in the bottom of my stomach. Will they ever go away?

He rested his arm over my shoulder and instinctively I leaned my head against him. I listened to the beat of his heart as we sat contently in silence, soaking up each second we had with each other. I felt Justin's heart pace quicker against my ear, as he ever so quietly whispered. "I like you Camilla, alot."

"I like you too Justin." Without looking, I could instantly visualize the huge smile stuck on his face.

"I wish life was this perfect all the time." Justin raspily spoke, being the last words I heard from him for the rest of the night.


I woke up to the rising sun, straining my sore neck as I sat in the same position for the last eight or so hours, being curled up next to Justin. I groggily pulled myself up from the little nest I had made in my sleep, looking over Justin who was asleep in a sitting position. His lifeless body kind of toppled over into the divot I made, trying the best I could I held in a giggle.

As soon as his head touched the cushions he shot straight up, groaning through thin eyes he outstretched his arms, grabbing hold of me in the process.

"Why did you have to fall asleep," He spoke lowly in his tired, morning voice.

"You could of woken me up," I replied, feeling his arms snake around my waist from behind, lifting both of our lethargic bodies up from the chair.

"I didn't want to wake you up. I waited for hours for you to get up, but you never did. I guess I fell asleep too." He slyly chuckled, reaching the house with me stuck in his grip.

"I'm still tired, lets go to our real bed." He whined, slowly forcing both of us up the tall stairs into his room. I had only been in his room once or twice, but it was way more beautiful then I remembered.

Somehow he managed to rip off the sheets with me still in both of his hands, Justin lowered himself into his side of the bed, arms open waiting for me to join him.

I couldn't resist. I crawled into his soft bed, and without hesitation he pulled me close into his chest, planting as subtle kiss upon my forehead, "Goodnight Cam." he mumbled, instantly letting a deep sleep flow over him.

For the next good half hour I watched him toss and turn, snore and mumble in his sleep, until the thing called sleep arrived and took over me as well.

Kind of a filler, but its cute. Sleepy Justin though 😍 Do you think Camilla likes Justin as much as he likes her? or is she just going along with it? If you enjoyed please don't forget to vote! If you have an suggestions for missions/jobs they can do in the future, let me know! I have a couple exciting ones up my sleeve.

Mel 💕

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