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"What do you mean they're planning something?" I hissed into the phone, trying to resist Camilla's scent that lingered around me.

"Justin, I can't talk too much now. Can we meet up tomorrow?" Angelo whispered into the phone, which only made me more agitated.

"I need fucking answers now, Angelo, this isn't all fun and games." I growled into the phone, definitely getting the message across. A short silence sat between us until Angelo repeated what he said before.

I switched off my phone and threw it somewhere in Camilla's room, the frustration built inside me causing me to pull at the roots of my hair.

"Wh- who was it?" Camilla whispered lowly, the duvet wrapped around her from her chest down.

"It doesn't matter. We'll be okay, just trust me," I spoke in her direction, but kept my stare at the ground.

"Justin, that's not making things sound any be-"

"It was Angelo." I cut her off abruptly, letting out a long awaited breath. "He mentioned something about the Brotherhood planning something. He's coming over tomorrow, so I guess you'll find out when I do."

I leaned over the bed and met Camilla's lips with mine, sharing a quick kiss before shuffling towards the door to her room, "I'm going to go take a quick shower, I'll be right back. I promise." I displayed a reassuring smile before closing the door behind me, an overwhelming amount of stress that built up inside me hitting me like a brick wall.

Diverting from my bedroom I head down stairs into the meeting room, pulling open one of my personal cabinets that held only a few items I like to keep close. A very expensive handgun, money, and a small amount of top grade shit. For emergency reasons. A code kept the cabinet locked, with a combination that only I knew. Opening the cabinet to find everything in its rightful place, I pinch the small sachet of quality cocaine between my fingers and pour a little out onto the table in front of me. A little bit won't make you relapse, it will help the stress. Emergency reasons, remember?

Delicately detaching a dagger from the wall where my weapons hung I formed the small amount of white powder into a line, flawlessly inhaling it, pressing my thumb into the remaining specs and placing it on my tongue, hoping not to waste any.

That familiar, somewhat comforting feeling quickly took over my bloodstream, only to be quickly followed by a coating of regret. Shaking off the sudden regret, I rushed back to my room to finish doing what I intended to do, take a shower.

I stripped off and made my time in the shower short hoping that Camilla wouldn't get suspicious about my whereabouts. I messily dried the blonde hair that fluffed on my head, throwing on a new pair of boxes, hurrying to get back to Camilla.

Tip toeing through the dead silence of my home I crack open Cam's bedroom door to find her curled up in the middle of her huge bed, fast asleep. The obvious exhaustion that coated her reminded me of our drive home from Vegas, the way she so peacefully slept in the comfort of my car, that same beautiful glow about her, that glow that made me fall in love with her.

Clearly flowing on a high, I was in no mood to sleep, and decided it would be a good idea to make some arrangements for my princess's birthday. I made myself comfortable in the meeting room with my laptop and phone, finding phone numbers and websites that were necessary for this special occasion.


"Justin..." A faint, familiar voice chimed in my ears, as well as a firm hand that was pinching at my bicep.

My eyes shot open only to see a slightly concerned Camilla, forcing me to look at her with a grip underneath my chin. "Are you okay?" She asked seriously, but with a frown of worry.

"Yeah, yeah I'm-" after seeing my laptop open I quickly shut the lid, hoping she didn't see anything that was open on the screen, "fine. I'm fine." I smiled in confirmation, only to recieve a small kiss on the cheek.

"Good. It's passed midday, and I didn't want to see you sleeping at your office table any longer." She pulled me off the chair as if I was stuck to it like glue, a slight headache hitting me as I stand on my two feet.

"I made everyone some lunch, now if you want to come join us, I'd appreciate that a lot." She spoke with pride in her voice, practically forcing me to follow in her bouncy footsteps. Someone was happy today.

As we inched closer to the kitchen, the air grew thick with the scent of basil and tomatoes. Spaghetti. My favourite. Five large bowls of pasta were sat in front of each chair on the dining table, and the boys were already huddled around their bowl.

"Thank you baby," I pressed my lips against Camilla's before she sat in front of her own bowl, opposite me. Little talk was shared around the room, as everyone was too busy digging into their meal. This recipe or whatever Camilla used, definitely confirms that spaghetti is my favourite. I haven't had spaghetti so good.

After we devoured our food the boys scattered off into the garage, leaving Camilla to clean the kitchen herself. I followed behind her juggling empty bowls, trying to help in some sort of way. She began scrubbing at the dishes, silence thick between us as she stayed focused on her task.

I put away a few condiments, turning back to Camilla who was glaring at me with little to no emotion. "Justin?"


"Are you scared?" she lowered her voice, fiddling with the palms of her hands.

"Of what?"

"Everything that's happened since I got here."

"No," I swallowed hard, keeping my head low. "The only thing that scared me was  the thought of you never coming back after you found out it was me."

In that moment in time, I really thought I had lost her. I felt like I lost myself. It's scary, being so connected with someone, only for them to leave because of something you did- I did.

I shook my head out of the past, coming back to real time with Camilla's arms rested around my neck, leaving soft kisses on my lips. "Well you don't need to be scared about me leaving anytime soon." She whispered, barely audible, less then an inch from my face. She flashed a quick grin before giving me one last kiss, getting back to what she was doing.

"I better finish up organising your party, only a few more days until the big day," I inwardly cheered.

"Don't remind me," Camilla exhaled, covering her face with both her hands. I simply laughed her off, on a mission to finish booking places and people.

I spent the rest of the day alone in the meeting room, getting a shit tonne of stuff done, along with other things I need to discuss with Angelo when he shows up tomorrow.

Lets hope we can avoid the Brotherhood until after Camilla's birthday.

What do you think Justin has organised for Cam's party? Do you think they should be wary of the Brotherhood? If you guys enjoyed this chapter please vote, and leave a comment if you'd like! Sorry for the slow updates, I'm enjoying my summer holidays ☀️ Love you all


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