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I stayed still in my seat for a few silent minutes, just experiencing the adreneline running through my body. It's been too long since racing has made me feel this way. Even those stupid drugs I take don't compare to this.

When I first started racing, that was my only high... Until it was the same old same old. That's when I started taking this other shit, trying to get back what I'd lost. It never compared to the rush of racing, but instead gave me some stupid addiction. But tonight, tonight was something else. I don't know if it was because of the car, or because of her. I wish it never ended.

Driving home we shared a cigarette, trying to ease off our high. I don't know about Cam, but it didn't seem to help me. As much as I didn't want her to have one, I knew she deserved it after what she'd done.

When we got back home, she left my presence as soon as the vehicle came to a stop. It was only early in the night but she was exhausted.

I watched her figure wonder off into the house, leaving me behind in my humming car. As she disappeared, Lewis, Brandon and Za ran in with their heads nodding and wide smiles.

"How was it bro!?" Lewis fumbled excitedly.

"Man nothing can describe that feeling. You know what I'm talkin' bout." I side eyed him through my rolled down window, my hands still propped on the wheel. He nods agreeing, pulling open the door for me.I let out a slight sigh before finally exiting my vehicle, leading the boys back into the house.

Turning my head to the side Za shuffles beside me, with his focus down at his phone, "We have some fresh news bro," he stated, waving his hand to the meeting room. My expression turned blank, I clenched my jaw as to what news he was talking about.

Spinning in my leather chair to face the TV screen that was hung on the wall in front of me, two massive images of Camilla stained on the screen. From what it looked like, one was her license and one was a mugshot.

In both images she stared emptily into the camera. Her hair was perfectly groomed, and her eyes were that dangerous blue that always sparkled.
I took my attention off the photos and scanned over the rest of the details on her drivers license.

Full name: Camilla Raine Thompson

Date of Birth: September 22nd, 1997

Ha, she's still a baby.

After looking over it a few times, Za purposely coughs trying to catch my attention. "Anyways... She has a mug shot because of a few 'public disturbance' occurrences that happened when she was fifteen or somethin'.
The Brotherhood practically have all the information they need to track her down." He looked off to the side, trying to escape my stare.

"I swear to God Za..." I hissed through gritted teeth.

"Bro, if they find out we have her I won't hesitate to help them-"

"You better be joking, bro," I mock him, receiving an over dramatic eye roll. "They are as much as my family as they are yours, but remember who's squad you're on." I threw myself out of the chair, raising my chest to the now cowering Za. I grip my hand roughly around his chin, forcing him to look at me.

"Don't forget I was part of them wayyy before you were." I spat before pushing him away. He rubbed at his face quickly leaving the room.

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