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So it turns out Camilla and Jaden know each other, very very well. Overhearing their rowdy drunken conversations, they were mostly talking about their past together. From their story time that they made us all listen to, apparently they had gone to high school together and hung out all the time with a bigger group of guys. Boys were nothing new to her.

She said she'd only be drinking little, but god she had way more when he arrived to the house. They also brought what they said they would, and we all had a bit to share.

As the night went on, Camilla disappeared with this guy to who knows where, while I continued to have a few drinks with Alex,Lucas and my boys. The shit that gave me was really starting to kick in and I was loving every second of it.

After the few dragging hours Camilla was being pulled around the house, stumbling on her feet until they reached the living room. Her and Jaden began dancing to the music that played in the background and all the boys had their eyes on her.

Jaden laced his hands around her waist pulling her in close, rocking bodies together to the beat. My fist tightened around the liquor glass in my hand as I kept my focus piercing through him. Camilla spun around in his arms looking me dead in the eye.

"We're just dancing, Justin," She laughed in my face as if somehow she could read my mind. I scoffed and shrugged her off as she continued to dance with him.

Irritated I pulled myself up from my chair and opened the door out to the balcony, placing a cigarette between my lips I swiftly lit the end inhaling all its goodness. Yeah, they're just good friends, whatever. I told myself.

I chuckled puffing out the smoke staring off to the night sky. I looked down beside me where the few empty bottles were from when me and Camilla sat out that one night.

I was out of it, but she was glowing to me. She was in her pajamas, messy hair, but she was perfect.

"Hey bro! It's almost three in the morning I think we gon' head out," Alex yelled from the door as I continued sucking at my cigarette. I lifted one finger waving goodbye.

I watched from the corner of my eye Camilla giving Jaden a massive hug before letting him go along with the other two boys. After scrunching out my smoke on the balcony railing I head back inside where Camilla sat alone as the others said their goodbyes at the front door.

"How did you know we were friends?!" She exclaimed, a wide smile plastered on her face.

"I didn't."

She paused for a second and her grin faded.

"What's you're problem Justin? You are acting all wierd and shit. What drugs did you take?" She wiped away her drunk act and became serious, brows furrowed as she stared up towards my tall figure.

I let out a small chuckle. "It's not the drugs..." I shook my head trying to rid of the jealousy that flooded me.

Me? Jealous?

Camilla bounced up from her chair. "Goodnight Justin." She mumbled, and with that she disappeared.

I fell back into the sofa, letting out a long awaited sigh. The other boys came back from the front door and sat around me, giving me strange looks.

"Boys, no more of this shit until our first job is over. We going in sober." I stated and they all agreed not willing to mess with me in this state. They knew something was wrong but none of them were speaking up, for their own good.

Can this boring ass night just be over.


I woke up to the sound of metals and other objects smashing onto the ground, throwing myself up from my position I ran out the door.

Quickly I padded down the stairs trying to follow the noise in which direction came from. A few faint groans of pain echoed from the garage as I sprinted towards the entrance.

Camilla sat on her knees grasping at her forearm with the tool cart knocked on its side, and a bunch of tools scattered on the ground.

"Fuck! What happened?" I scrunched up my face trying to imagine what she was feeling.

"I'm fine, Justin." She spoke shakily removing her tight hand from her arm. A deep cut was displayed as blood dripped onto the floor, because she took the pressure off the wound.

"Okay, you're not fine," I said, panic lacing my words. I tried to help her get up off the ground but she insisted on getting up herself.

I tugged her towards the closest bathroom and pulled out the first-aid kit out from under the sink. I gently took hold of her arm rinsing off the blood from the wound, small winces escaping her lips.

Camilla sat on the ledge of the bathtub resting her forearm on her thigh. I wiped a disinfectant swab around the cut and finished it off with a firm bandage.

She held her other hand to her head laughing softly at herself. "I shouldn't try working with a hangover."

"I shouldn't be awake at this time with a hangover," I joked, receiving a small laugh from Camilla.

"You didn't have to he-"

"Camilla. You being here is my responsibility. If you ever get hurt I'm going to help you." I spoke sternly only to get a short nod from her.

"Go back to bed. Have you eaten? I can make you so-"

"Justin, it's okay. I'll be fine." She said, dragging out the 'fine' with her tired, raspy voice.

I got up and Camilla followed me out, heading our separate ways. I went back to my room, while she went straight back to the garage. Typical.

For now, I just have to focus on this job we're doing, and not let Cam get in the way.

Short chapter, next chapter will be the mission, so be prepared. Turns out Cam and Jaden are just friends, but Justin didn't like them in his sight lol. If you like this chapter dont forget to vote 😊

Mel x

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