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Although it had been four hours, it had felt like forever. My wrists and ankles were beginning to sting as much as the tears that stained my cheeks.

At this point in time I was alone in this small shack or whatever it was, only to stare at the digital clock on the wall that convinced me this was real.

I couldn't stop crying. I've tried for so long to stay strong, but this pushed me over the edge. Whatever these people were going to do to me, I wouldn't of cared if they put a bullet in my fucking skull.

After hours of the same ticking of the clock, my eyes fluttered shut and I let exhaustion take over me.

The sound of a gun going off shunted me back to reality, four gun shots rang out outside the building and within seconds the same man came running back inside, aiming a gun straight to my temple.

"Fucking do it, I dare you." I shut my eyes tight and bit down hard on my lip, waiting for this to be over.

A single shot rang out, but there was no pain, and I was still stuck in this piece of shit chair.

The man fell lifelessly to the floor, blood pooling out from the front of his skull as he layed face down to reveal Justin, blood splattered across his face and shirt. Seeing his face- his honey brown eyes- made me break down.

Justin leant down to my level, trying to rip off the ties around my ankles he spoke shakily, "Are you okay Camilla? Did they hurt you?"

I bit down hard on my lip letting the tears fall from my eyes, waiting for him finish untying the restraints on my wrists and ankles.

"I'm here now, It's okay."

"My fucking hero." I spat out between sobs, rubbing at the purple indents around my wrists.

"It was you all along, huh?" I sarcastically laughed, meeting Justin's stare of confusion.

"Baby, what are you talking about? Let's get out of here," He tried to pull me from the room, but I refused, searching for the small black phone that had that recording of his voice.

"What are you doing?" Justin panicked as I reached into the dead man's pocket, pulling out the cell phone to find the recording.

"Explain this, Justin." I pelted the phone at his chest and he fumbled to catch it, unlocking it he clicked the play button, my nightmare began to play from the speakers once again.

"Sh- She's a fucking girl. Cam Cuda's a fucking g- girl."

Justin stood silently in shock, staring emotionlessly down at the piece of technology before throwing at the ground, causing it to smash into a million pieces.

"You fucking dobbed me in, I trusted you!" I bolted towards him, shoving his chest with both my hands. He barely budged but I continued to do so, taking out my emotions on him.

"I don't understand," His voice cracked, staring down at me as I attacked at his chest.

Without hesitation I threw a firm punch into the side of his face, feeling the pain in my fist as he brought both his hands up to cradle his cheek.

"Fuck you Justin." I bolted towards the door, heading towards one of the cars we were supposed to dump in the ocean.

My vision was blurred by my tears as I began to drive back out the road I came in from. I saw Justin sprint out from the shack, throwing his hands up in the air as I continued to drive away.

I didn't know where I was going, and quite frankly I didn't care. I just wanted to go far, far away.


The orange haze of the morning lit the sky as I sipped on a bottle of liquor, devouring the taste of every drop.

That chick was hopeless in bed, she couldn't even give good head. She didn't help one fucking bit.

Nothing made sense anymore, probably the result of being blind drunk at six in the morning.

I fumbled with my phone in the palm of my hand, hovering my thumb shakily over the contact 'Clayton'. Maybe if I tell the Brotherhood, I'll get this off my chest and forget about it.

As soon as I hung up the phone, a wave of regret coated me like super glue and I couldn't wipe it off. If she wasn't going to run away, she was going to get killed. I didn't want that happen.


I didn't think it was real. I remembered it all, but I didn't think it was real. I thought it was a dream.

I cant deny that it was me in that recording, we both knew it. Hearing the words come from my own mouth made my stomach churn to see Camilla in tears about it. I let her hit me, and punch me... I deserved it.

If she shot me between the eyes, I wouldn't of cared. I deserve it.

She took off in the Brotherhoods' car, and before I could chase her down she was gone from my sight. I knew she was leaving- like she wanted to since the start. I should never have brought her here. I was never going to see her again.

It was about an hour after everything had happened, I cleaned up the wound in the side of my arm and locked myself in the meeting room, with a variety of alcohol before me.

A huge stash of untouched cocaine also screamed my name, the itch for it came back and I couldn't resist.

I made three fat lines across the table, inhaling each one, taking deep breaths as the ever so familiar feeling flowed through my veins as if it was my first time using.

This stuff wont make you forget, Justin.

After drinking to the point where throw up sat at the back of my throat, I passed out, letting the groggy feeling take over my body as my consciousness floated away.

Whos POV do you want to see for the next chapter?
Sorry this is somewhat short, but I felt like it was safe to end it here. What do you think is going to happen now? Where do you think Camilla has gone to? Please don't forget to like, thanks guys.

Mel x

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