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Just like any other race, the audience roared from every angle around me, hyping me up as I lightly pressed my foot down on the gas. I was racing some shit squad, but a squad nonetheless. The presenter counted down, as was my foot glued to the pedal. Three, two, one, and we were off.

Getting a glimpse through my revision mirror I see my three boys and Camilla standing against the crowd, all eyes on me as they began to get smaller and smaller. I spun my wheels as best as I could and made my way through the night life of Hollywood, already ahead of this pathetic opponent. Tonight we were racing for 50k, as racing through this part of Los Angeles was sometimes risky.

The track was short, but was great enough to give me that boost I needed. I swiftly shifted gears, imagining Cam's hand hovering over mine, mimicking what she would have done for me. As quick as it started the race finished, me coming number one, obviously.

By this time the boys were already heading to the car, catching Cam as she made her exit, a small toothy grin caught my eye in the amber street lights.

The presenter handed me my wad of cash and I said my thanks, leaving the scene as quick as I could. I heard my phone buzz in my pocket, pulling it out I held it against the steering wheel to read the message;

Cam: Good job J.

Yep, I finally got my hands on her number. She just couldn't wait until we got home to congratulate me. One thing I knew for sure she was distracting me from getting there. Honestly, she's been distracting me ever since she stepped foot in my home. Things have changed, I've weaned off of my habits like they were nothing, I've driven better then ever before, and I actually feel some sort of joy in my life. All because of her.

On the way home I decided to stop by the liquor store, getting two bottles of expensive alcohol and a bag full of snacks, to celebrate this little achievement, I felt like a drink was well deserved. I payed at the counter and quick bounced back to my car, continuing my route home.

Within five minutes I caught up behind the vehicle where Za, Brandon, Lewis and Cam comfortably cruised along the smooth roads, my car hot on their tail.
I watched Camilla's shadowed figure bounce around in the back seat, the bass vibrating off the car through the streets in the early hours of the morning.

We pulled up out front of our home, all hopping out from our vehicles practically in sync. They all made their way into the house, me dawdling behind with two bags in my hands. I made a B-line to the kitchen, placing the two glass liquor bottles gently on the counter top along with the air filled chip packets.

I pulled out a short glass from the cabinet, pouring half a glass of the strong liquid, the scent tingling in my nose. I took a swift swig of the cold liquor, swishing it over my taste buds before letting it burn down my throat. I took the bottle and a few other glasses into the living room where I met with the boys, Camilla silently stood by the door frame but watched my every move as I sat down opposite her.

The boys happily grabbed a glass each and poured there own drinks, clinking the glasses together as they sculled down the expensive liquor. Camilla didn't move from her spot, but by motioning my hand for her to come over she did with little hesitation. I handed her an empty glass but she politely declined, letting me finish the rest of my own.

I raised from my seat and raised my glass for a toast, "For all our successes... and all our future successes," I took another mouthful of my drink and sat back down next to Cam, who displayed a wide but somewhat uncomfortable smile.

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