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Two-thirds of the Brotherhood were gone, and we were only getting closer to get rid of all those scums. After our last job, the few that got away gave Clayton the heads up about us. I'm not scared, they won't come for us. We haven't hit their homeground, so they won't come for ours. Not yet anyway.

To get my mind off things the boys and I did a spontaneous job, targetting the locations of the people who were hiding out- the ones who did more then just race as a crime. I was ready to go hunt down Clayton, but the others didn't think it was such a great idea, so we went home. Since I've been using again, all I've wanted to do was take out my anger on these men I hated.

I pushed through the front door, throwing my weapon to one side of the room making Lewis cringe as he stayed close by me. Through the corner of my eye I saw Za and Brandon shaking their heads but I chose to ignore them.

I made a B-line to the meeting room, in search for my happy powder. These two weeks, drugs and alcohol have been my best friends. It had felt like forever since I've used, and now was a great time to start again, but to my surprise my stash was gone.

I was beginning to go through withdraws already, the realisation of MY gear missing pushed me over the edge I was struggling to balance on.

I kicked open the door causing it to swing on its hinges, my fists tight as I made my way toward the living room, "Did you guys touch my shit?" I hissed, eyeing each of the men that sat down before me.

Their mouths were shut tight, but Lewis slowly stood up already holding his hands up in defence.

"Did you touch my fucking drugs?" I repeated, stepping closer to the boy that was practically shaking with fear.

"It's for your own good, you're going fucking nuts," Lewis admitted, only to receive a rough punch to the cheekbone.

In shock Brandon and Za shot up and threw their hands around my arms, pinning me down onto the cold marble floor. I watched Lewis cradle his cheek, a mixture of blood and saliva dripping from out the side of his mouth.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Za yelled, changing his position to hold me down more securely. I laid still, feeling nothing but my heartbeat pulse through my body.

"You shouldn't be using while taking medication."

"It's none of your business what I do or don't do." I spat, straining my neck as I tried to lift myself up out from their strong grip.

"I've had enough of this shit, Justin. You need to get yourself together, get over that girl. You're a mess," Brandon spoke, slight fear lacing his words.

"I thought you guys were my brothers. You're supposed to be helping me, not make me feel like absolute shit! You haven't even put any effort in finding her. You're all fucking useless," I spat, struggling once more to free from their grip, "get the fuck off me!"

They finally surrendered and I ripped myself off the tile and ran up to my bedroom, pulling at the roots of my hair as I felt an overwhelming feeling of frustration take over me. I needed my material, it kept her voice quiet.

Spinning around to face the empty, white wall I threw punch after punch into it, to the point where my knuckles began to bleed. My chest rose and fell as I tried to collect myself, whiping away the blood on my hands.

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