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"Welcome to Kaos, baby."

A chill raced down my spine as Justin's breath hit the side of my neck. What the fuck is he thinking?

One of the men jumped up from his position, pointing a pistol in my direction. Without hesitation, Justin threw himself in front of me and pulled one up as well, pointing it to his head.

"I will say this, and I hope I only have to say this once. You will not harm this girl or put her in any sort of danger, or I won't hesitate to harm you and or kill you myself." Justin growled through gritted teeth, making the boy throw his hands up in defense and settle back into the chair.

"She's part of the squad, you don't put your own squad in danger." Justin lowered his gun and motioned me to leave the room.

I went to the only place that made me feel safe, which was my bedroom. Profanities were being thrown in all directions from down stairs, but Justin continued to stay silent.

I don't know what he expected when he told his best friends that the new member of their squad is highly wanted by the Brotherhood. I don't even know why he'd want me to be part of Kaos, there's no way I would be able to take part in any sort of racing at this point in time (as much as I'd love to).

I waited for the yelling to die down, before deciding to leave my safe haven. I opened my door to an angry Justin storming down the hall, his hands balled in tight fists by his sides. He let out a frustrated groan, ripping his hat off his head and running a hand through his thick blond locks.

I lowly whispered his name which instantly caught his attention. His features softened as he saw me hidden behind the door, but his figure remained uneasy. He pushed past me, almost pushing me to the floor. He didn't turn back to help me, but continued to rip at his scalp.

"Can you just like, calm down?" I asked from the ground, watching him pace back and forth around my bed. I pulled myself up on a chair in the corner of the room, him mentally stressing out. I didn't want to intervene, in case he hurt me or something.

Justin stopped himself at the end of my bed, and sat on my quilt. He faced me, but kept his head low. I hadn't seem him so worked up before.

"They- they don't like you." He rubbed at the frown lines on his forehead. "I don't understand," his voice cracked as he met his hands together and fumbled with his thumbs.

"I do, Justin. I broke the rules, damn it! No one messes with the rules. I'm just risking all your lives now." I blatantly stated, and he shook his head, disagreeing.

"You're not like other girls. You broke the rules and got away with it, that's bad ass, and you know how to use cars for fuck sake! Why can't they see that," He looked up from the ground, his eyes glistening a dark shade.

"I want you to prove them wrong, Camilla. Show them everything you've got." He held out his hand, waiting for me to take it. He had hope for me, he wanted me to prove a point. I can be just as good as the boys.

I placed my hands in his, and instantly a grin touched from one cheek to the other. He rushed me down the stairs, past the living area where each boy death stared me as I passed. Justin pushed open an unfamiliar door, that lead to his garage. Flicking on the lights, four stunning cars sat aligned, and the back of the space contained long benches and shelves stacked with all the goods. My eyes widened with excitement, feeling right at home. Justin stopped me before I could step any further.

"You can come in here anytime you want. You can use all the equipment and tools, and work on our cars. I want you to do your magic." He smiled down at me as I examined every bit of the room. I didn't know how to thank him, so I gave him an awkward side hug. He wrapped his big arms around me, and held me for a few seconds before letting go, coaxing me into the space.

I go to touch the Audi that sat closest to me, but Justin pushed my hand away. "Maybe you should just work on my car for now, until the boys warm up to you." He stated, showing trust for me with his car.

I'm surprised he's not all 'This is my car, don't touch my shit". He's got such diverse personalities, from a cocky douche bag, to a full psycho, and then to the caring, kind hearted person I believe he is deep down inside. I wish that last one was the only one existent.

After getting caught up in my head, I turn back to a now empty doorway, Justin gone from my sight. He didn't even tell me where anything is, good job, Bieber.

I go over to his blue Ferrari, that sat in between his Land Rover and whoever's Audi. I slip my fingers under the hood, and lifted it to reveal his genuine Ferrari engine. I mean, I thought my Barracuda was good but damn, I haven't seen a set up like this before.

I leaned over the engine, examining over each part checking if they needed fixing and or replacing. I looked over the work benches in front of me for anything that resembled a pen and paper.  I found a black sharpie among some screw drivers, and I ripped off a small piece of some scrunched up news paper that sat on the table to write down some parts.

Noting down a few parts that needed replacing, I added a few bits and bobs to the list that would make this engine roar better then ever before. I wondered back into the house, looking for Justin to let him know what I needed. Passing the living room, no boys were to be seen causing me to become a bit anxious. I went to the only room I knew, their meeting room, and of course they were all there.

I lightly knocked on the door with my knuckle, trying not to intrude on their business. Justin motioned his hand for me to come in, but the look on the others' faces told me to fuck off. I ignored their presence and walked over to Justin with the list in my hand. He looked over it for a few seconds, then looked up at me with a raised brow.

"You need to get this stuff?" he asked, looking over the list a couple more times. I merely nodded, displaying a small smile.

He looked over to one of the boys, rolled up the piece of paper and threw it over to him, "Lewis, I want you to go out and get this stuff for me," He stood up from his chair and walked over to a cabinet, pulling out a short stack of hundred dollar bills and placing it firmly in Lewis' hand.

He nodded his head at Justin and quickly left. After a few awkward seconds of the rest of them just staring up at me, I also made my way out back to Justin's car.

I searched through multiple drawers and cabinets, looking for the basic necessities to pull apart this engine. I quickly skimmed over the clock on the wall that let me know it was a little past noon. I placed my tools on the ground in front of the Ferrari, and began to take apart piece by piece.

There will be a part two to this chapter because it was getting too long 😢 Will be posted tomorrow!

I can't believe I'm close to 300 reads, my goal was like 10 lmao.

If you liked this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!

love you all,
Mel 💕

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