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"Christ, you almost crashed through the house!" I held a hand to my chest forcing out the breath I'd been holding for the past couple of hours.

"No I didn't!" Camilla exclaimed, taking the keys out from the engine with a giggle pouring from her lips.

She drove like a mad man all around Calabasas in her new car, maybe it wasn't such a great idea to give it to her. I'm kidding. I haven't seen her so happy for a while, I wanted her to have some fun.

She hopped out from the car and skipped to my side practically pulling my out, forcing her lips on mine with both her hands gripped onto my shirt. That adrenaline really made her excited.

I pulled back after realising I needed to inhale the oxygen around me, "Baby, calm down..." I chuckled softly before she kissed me again, this time leaving a smirk against my lips before ripping herself from me.

"Thank you Justin. You don't understand how grateful I am." She calmed her self down, her eyes on mine, shimmering with admiration.

"I just want to make you happy," I let a content smile pull at my lips, receiving one last kissed before being pulled inside.

Loud music poured from the living room where more then just the boys were gathered, Camilla stared wide eyed as a women danced on top of Lewis- her bare chest on show, Za snorted coke off of the coffee table and Brandon sat back into the couch with a girl under each arm. She scoffed at their behaviour, taking us an opposite direction.

"I don't want us to hang around them when they're like that," She lightly whispered, squeezing my hand in hers. "It would only tempt you." Camilla avoided eye contact for a split second, darting us toward my bedroom.

Slamming the door shut behind us in Camilla's attempt to block out the noise, she guided me to middle of the room where she plopped herself down on the edge of the bed.

"So you're just going to lock us in here for the rest of the night?" I shook my head showing a smug smirk, only to receive a playful scoff from Cam.

"Pretty much, unless you want to torture yourself by hanging around them with your hands tied behind your back so you can't do anything." She jokingly winked, getting a laugh out of me.

"Fine, whatever. You better find something for us to do before I start planning my escape," I continued to joke on. Being with the guys wasn't really my first priority in this point in time. If this meant I could be with Camilla, I wasn't going to leave her for a room full of naked women and intoxicated boys.

"Have you seen my phone? I lost it when I left after... our last job." Camilla lowered her voice but kept her attention on me, standing across from her.

"It's here. I can go get it for you," I reached for the door handle, feeling Camilla's stare burn through the back of my head. "I'm not going to go join them, trust me. I'll be two seconds." I lightly smiled before exiting the room, bouncing down the stairs to the meeting room where I put her phone the morning she left.

Searching through my personal cabinet I found her black iPhone, gripping it tightly in my hand I ran back up the stairs hoping she wouldn't think I'd detour to the living room.

"I'm back." I passed her the phone and she turned it on, letting me have time to look down at my own.

After a couple of minutes of aimlessly scrolling through social media, I lifted my head to see Camilla staring down at her phone, a toothy smile on show. "Did you know about this?" She questioned, the grin plastered on her face.

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