Chapter 2

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3rd person's POV

Katsuki kept staring at the piece of paper on his nightstand, Kirishima had left it there for him, with the hotline number in it. He had purposefully told him to try it when he is ready to do so and not to push himself.

He was still a little hesitant about it, how will some random person be able to help him anyway? Would they listen to him or are they forced to do so? What if they judge him?

Is he ready to show his vulnerable side to someone whom he doesn't even know about?

"Daddy? Where are you?" Haru's tired voice comes out from the bedroom, his teddy bear clutched tightly in his hands.

"I'm in the living room baby, why are you awake now? It's like.. 11:45 p.m.."

"The bed was lonely and Mr. Snuggles got cold," Haru says, his hands rubbing his eyes, cutely showing his teddy bear to Katsuki.

"Mr. Snuggles?" Katsuki questions, his fond eyes never leaving Haru as he playfully raised his eyebrows the teddy bear.

"Daddy! It wasn't Mr. Snuggles fault!"

"Mhm? Then who's fault is it?"

"Yours! You didn't come to cuddle me and Mr. Snuggles and that's why he got cold!" Haru pouts sleepily, trying his best to look angry.

Katsuki chuckled loudly before lifting Haru and carrying him back to their room, "I'm sorry baby, daddy was thinking about something."

"It's okii daddy! Come on let's cuddle!"

Within just a few moments, Haru was deep asleep, his hands still holding Mr. Snuggles and burying his face into Katsuki's chest.

Katsuki was awake for longer than usual that day, thinking about what his friends said.

Time skip~

"What have you decided on?" Mina asked softly while Katsuki was spacing out, looking down at the floor thinking about something hard.

"I'm going to do it."

Behind them was Kaminari making funny faces to cheer up Haru, who was continuously giggling looking at his uncle with his cute smile. "Thank you for everything idiots."

Katsuki suddenly spoke, startling Mina. "Huh? Thank you for what?" Katsuki turned away from Haru and Kaminari.

"I wouldn't have been able to do this without you all."

"Who are you and what did you do to Bakugo?"

Katsuki chuckled letting out an 'oof' when Haru came and threw himself on Katsuki hugging him tightly. "I'm trying to be grateful unlike you, Pinky."

"Yup, there it is. Come on Haru I'll kidnap you, your daddy is being a meanie!" Haru once again giggled, not understanding the situation but still finding Katsuki's offended face funny.

"I'm being a what now? I just thanked you!"

Within just a couple of hours, Mina and Kaminari had to leave and go back home, Kirishima was working two shifts at work today and Sero said he was busy since his family decided to visit his grandparents.

Today it was only Katsuki and Haru, whose head was drooping continuously because it was his nap time but he was adamant that he wanted to play with Mr. Fluffy (another teddy bear) and Mr. Snuggles because they were getting married.

"Baby, you are tired. Come on let's get you to bed, I will promise you that Mr. Fluffy and Mr. Snuggles will wait for you, okay?"

"Okii daddy" His frequent yawns disturbed his speech. Once put to bed, Haru was out like a light. Katsuki sighed, his hands combing through Haru's hair softly.

Once again, Katsuki's eyes traveled towards the piece of paper, which was still untouched, on the nightstand. He decided that he better call it before he changes his decision.

"Hello, you are speaking with the hotline, how may I help you today?" Suddenly Katsuki's voice was stuck in his throat. He wasn't sure if it was because he was nervous or if it was because the voice from the other line was extremely cute.

Probably the second cause fuck it sounded absolutely adorable.

"Excuse me? Hello? Is someone there on line?" The sweet voice boomed back into Katsuki's ears, making him flinch slightly.

"Um.. yeah. Hello."

"Hey.. don't get nervous, okay? Just think you are talking to yourself or to someone whom you trust the most."

"But.. I know you are listening to me though.."

Soft giggles were heard through the phone making Katsuki relax slightly. "Well, that's true. How about we start with basic introductions? I'll go first! My name is Izuku, I'm studying psychology and this is somewhat like a part-time job to me since I feel like I can learn something from this. And my pronouns are he/him."

"You sound pretty young."

"That's because I'm young, but probably not as much as you expect me to, I just have a pretty high-pitched and childish voice." The person from the other line responded making Katsuki smile.

"Okay then, my name is Katsuki, I work as a finance manager. There isn't anything that interesting in my life, so yeah. And my pronouns are he/him." Katsuki purposefully didn't mention Haru because.. he didn't know why.. maybe he was embarrassed?

Embarrassed of himself?

"So now, Katsuki, how was your day? Good or bad?" How was Katsuki's day? Nothing interesting today either, Haru wasn't as cranky and as bratty as he usually is, actually, he isn't cranky or bratty at all he is just a little difficult at times. Then, Mina and Kaminari visited. What else?

"Nothing bad happened today so I guess it was a good day" Katsuki muttered, sitting down on the couch in his living room, his legs propped up on the table in front of him.

"Did something make you feel happy and worth living today?" Katsuki thought about it and smiled slightly when Haru's face popped into his mind.

"Yes actually."

"That's awesome! Do you have anything to tell me which happened today especially?"

"Nothing much.. um-" suddenly Katsuki was cut off with the doorbell ringing.

"I might have to leave, someone's at the door."

"That's okay, nice talking to you Katsuki, you can call up anytime, I'm here to help you, okay?"

"Okay, thank you."

Authors note:
I have no idea how hotlines work so for the story if someone calls up the hotline and speaks to a specific person, the next time they call, the call is purposefully answered by the same person.

So if Katsuki calls the hotline again his call is automatically forwarded to Izuku since he was the one who picked up Katsuki's first call. I hope it makes sense.

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