Chapter 23

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3rd person's POV

Today was yet another day when Katsuki and Izuku were left alone by themselves. They had absolutely nothing to do, everyone else were outside, playing in the park.

Katsuki had to stay home due to his leg not cooperating with him (especially since he went to fight with Melissa when he was clearly supposed to be resting) and Izuku was forced (he secretly likes it though) to care for Katsuki.

Katsuki hadn't been feeling the best that day. It was okay, he had been through worse. But.. things just didn't feel right. He felt like his teenage self all over again.

And he hated it.

They haven't been taking much those days, they hardly looked at each other in the eye. It was just a little awkward when they are alone and all the can think about is the other's lips.

Just the morning, when Izuku had got him some coffee, it slipped his hands and broke into a hundred pieces with hot coffee spilling all over. Kirishima and Haru come running in as soon as they hear the noise.

The worst part was, Haru nearly stepped on a sharp piece, thank goodness Kirishima was right there to hold him away from there.

Even if he wouldn't accept it, Katsuki felt guilty when he watched Mina clean the mess up, her hands having slight scratches in them when she was done.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles, mostly to himself. But fortunately, Mina hears him.

"It's okay, don't worry." She says with a soft smile before walking away.

Katsuki hadn't been smiling the whole day, he hoped nobody noticed it, but fortunately Izuku did. He's been eyeing Katsuki for a while then.

He hardly participated in conversations, not like he usually does, but not even a sarcastic remark was made.

A few of them notices, playfully asking him if he was alright, but when Katsuki replies with an angry growl like usual, they just let it go, assuming he was okay.

Just as everyone scramble away to go outside, Katsuki let's out a deep sigh, turning himself slightly in his bed, fiddling with the bed sheets.

"So.. it's just us again." Izuku says timidly before walking in to Katsuki's room, plopping himself down on the bed. He looks over to Katsuki with worry laced over his features.

"Mhm. Whatever." Katsuki mutters, looking away from Izuku.

"What's wrong Kacchan? You know you can talk to me, right?" Izuku whispers, his fingers reaching out to pat Katsuki's arms.

"I'm okay. Thank you." Katsuki replies with an uninterested tone. Izuku then softly lays down next to Katsuki making the elder flinch and immediately turn around.

His sudden motion makes him hiss in pain. "Careful Kacchan! Don't turn like that, you might hurt yourself." Izuku yells, his hands instinctively going towards Katsuki's wounds to check if he's alright.

"I'm fine."

"No you aren't. Stop convincing yourself you are." Izuku snaps, a little lovingly he adds, "Please Kacchan.. what's wrong, I can't help if I don't understand what's bothering you."

Katsuki mutters something under his breath. Izuku doesn't understand, so he asks the elder to repeat himself. "I said I'm fucking alright! Stop wasting your time on a stupid dumbass like me!"

He frustratedly yells, tears welling up in his eyes, yet he chose not to acknowledge them. Izuku immediately throws his hands around Katsuki pulling him into a big hug.

"Kacchan.. when are you going to understand that it's okay to not be okay. I'm not wasting my time here, I'm trying to understand what's bothering a person who's pretty close to my heart. I would do t same to anybody here."

Izuku whispers softly, his hands going up to Katsuki's hair, threading them as he hears small muffled sobs from Katsuki.

"Sh.. it's okay.. I'm here for you Kacchan.." Izuku shushes him, pressing their bodies closer to each other (still looking out for Katsuki's wounds)

Katsuki slowly pries himself away, letting out an embarrassed chuckle seeing the ugly tear stains on Izuku's t-shirt.

Katsuki looks up at Izuku, his eyes shining due to the intense crying session.

"Are you okay now-" before Izuku gets to finish, Katsuki connects their lips together in a soft kiss. Izuku let's out a surprised gasp, which gets drowned into the kiss.

Izuku tries to break apart, only for Katsuki to pull him closer than ever, getting a little harsher with his actions, lips moving more frantically.

Katsuki pushes Izuku down against the bed, their kiss getting more heated and rushed. He tries to push himself up on his arms and loom over him, but failing because of a sharp pain in his abdomen.

"Kacchan!" Izuku immediately catches Katsuki, gently resting him against the mattress.

"Sorry.." Katsuki whispers, watching Izuku look at him with worry.

"No no.. it's okay. I'm glad you are alright, you don't have to apologise, okay?" Katsuki nods absent-mindedly.

"I need a verbal answer Kacchan~" Izuku sings playfully, making Katsuki look at him with an annoyed expression.

"Okay okay. I understand." He says irritatedly.

"What do you understand?" Izuku teases.

"Oh shut up!" Katsuki yells, a soft smile slowly creeping up his face.

Izuku clicks his tongue with a fake disappointed expression. "That's not the answer, is it?"

Katsuki playfully tickles him. "You like teasing me too much, don't you? Fine. I understand that I don't have to say sorry if it's not my fault." Izuku gives him a cheerful thumbs up, making Katsuki smile wider.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Izuku asks him, moving over to straddle Katsuki in a comfortable position.


"Oh, well-"

"I'm sorry.. I just don't know-"

Izuku stops him with a soft peck, "Kacchan.. I already told you, don't apologise for something that isn't your fault."

"But this is my fault."

Izuku clicks his tongue before continuing, "Don't apologise Kacchan. It is not your fault. You can tell me whatever you are comfortable with, okay? I wouldn't force you to do anything. You can be comfortable with me."

"Thanks." Katsuki whispers with a small grateful smile, his hands going up to Izuku's neck, before pulling him into a long soft kiss.

"I'm always here for you."

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