Chapter 21

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3rd person's POV

Izuku did what he first thought of. Call Katsuki. He had to keep Haru safe, no matter what, he asked Katsuma's father to take care of him for an hour since he had errands to run and thankfully he accepted.

Izuku decided to casually go back home, nobody would be expecting him to come anyway, besides he wanted to know what they were talking about and why Melissa was there to start with.

He casually, with a lot of anxiety on the inside, walks up to his house, sneaking a little as he tip-toed and tried his best to open the front door without any creaking.

When he went inside, he immediately snuck into the kitchen, which was the first and most accessible room. He could hear his mom talking in the living room, he crouches down in a dark area and started listening to what they were chatting about.

"Miss. I don't even know who you are. What are you doing inside my house. I've been asking you for so long and you aren't answering. What do you want?" Inko, Izuku's mother asks a little annoyed.

It was rare to see her annoyed, Melissa must've been really irritating for Inko to react like that, that too within just a few minutes. "Ew. Why does the couch look so bad? Get me a towel or something to sit on."

Izuku frowns at that, they didn't have a really bad conditioned couch. It was working just fine. She is being dramatic. "Excuse you miss. The couch is just fine. Don't talk anything bad about my house."

Izuku mentally cheered his mom as she stood up for herself. Melissa scoffed slightly as she turned to look at Inko, publicly judging her clothing.

Inko frowns at Melissa's actions as she sits down (with a lot of dramatic expressions).

"I'm your guest. Do you not treat them to something or what?" Inko gets up pretty quickly, not even bothering to look at her, as she walks to the kitchen.

Izuku sees his mother come inside the kitchen and not notice him. He sneaks up behind hey and clasps her mouth shut. She tries to get out of his hold and man, she's stronger than anyone could've imagined.

"Shh mom. It's me.." Izuku whispers as he let's her go slowly, making sure she wasn't going to shout. Inko immediately turns around and pinches Izuku's ears.

Izuku hisses as quiet as he can. "Don't you dare scare me like that ever again, do you understand?" Inko whispers. Izuku furiously nods his head as Inko let's him go.

"Who is she?" Only questions as she quickly gathers random snacks to give.

"Ex girlfriend of Katsuki. Remember him? My friend?" Izuku whispers back.

"Oh your new crush?"

Izuku blushes madly and tried his best not to facepalm out loud and gain attention. "Yeah right. I've no idea why she is here, but she's dangerous." Inko gasps as she peeks at the door.

"What should I do then?"

"Escape through the kitchen door and go to Katsuma-kun's house please. I'll take care of her." Suddenly they hear the voice of Melissa.

"Mrs. Midoriya. What's taking you so long?" Izuku slightly curses under his breath, but then smiles when he hears his mom cover up.

"It's nothing Miss. Whoever you are. I don't have much to eat so I'm looking for something decent. Also, It's Ms. Midoriya. I'm not married." Inko leaves everything and just as she steps out and is about to close the door, they hear Melissa again.

"So, you are a whore like your son too, huh? Going around messing with people just cause you don't have one to call yours?" Inko snaps her head to look at Izuku.

Izuku sighs and mouths, "I'll explain later. Go." Izuku feels a vibration in his hand. He looks at his phone to find a notification from Katsuki saying they were outside his house.

Izuku wondered how they found it, but then realised it might be because of the extremely unnecessarily expensive looking car parked outside their house.

He walks out of the kitchen to find Melissa picking on her nails, she looks up at him and flinches. "You. What the fuck are you doing here?" The man with her, supposedly her father stands up.

"Bitch, I'm supposed to be asking you that question. What the fuck are you doing in MY fucking house?" Melissa suddenly looks behind Izuku as her eyes widen.

Izuku looks behind him to find Katsuki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Mina. They all were having some sort of a heavy or sharp object in their hands.

"Try touching us and you'll be behind bars." Mina threatens. Melissa glares as them as she looks at her father for some help.

He shakes his head knowing that this was not the best place to continue especially when they are outnumbered.

"I'll fucking come back and kill you, you slut. Think you can take my child and him away? No you fucking can't. I'm Haru's biological mother. He's mine."

"Don't you fucking dare talk about him like he's an object you can play with. He's my child. Not yours. Not anyone else's. Do you fucking hear me, bitch?" Katsuki snares at her.

"You are not suitable to be a father Katsuki. What makes you think if I had approached this legally, the court would've let you have him? I'm so much more richer than you ever will be. I can provide him better than you can and you will." She spats back.

"You are not fucking fit to be a mother! You wanted to kill him for fuck's sake! You don't want him back because you love him. You need him for something else that we don't know of and I'll fucking find out what it is."

Kaminari suddenly swings his kitchen knife dangerously close to Melissa, making her and her father dash off running. Everyone else let's then go, seeing that they can't do anything at the moment either.

"Why would you raise your knife at her? They were for self defence!" Sero questions,

"She was just standing there! I had to chase her away!"

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