Chapter 32

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3rd person's POV

On their way to the hospital to meet Mellisa's mother, Katsuki could only try thinking if he ever remembers Mellisa talking about her.

Now that he thinks about it, Mellisa had a lot of secrets. She kept a lot of things away from him. Her early childhood, exes, mother and so much more.

When asked why, it would be "It's kinda personal.. I'll tell you when I'm comfortable to speak about it." And Katsuki being the dumbass hopelessly in love, he would believe her. All the fucking time.

If only he knew how much of a merciless creature she was.

"We are here for Rei Todoroki. I'm her son and that's my friend." Todoroki informs to the receptionist, who nods and checks them into the register.

Only Katsuki and Todoroki were there, the others were with Tanaka, trying to have a talk with the girl they caught.

Todoroki then walks forward, asking Katsuki to follow him, they go up a few levels, before arriving a plain white door, just like anything else in the hospital, with the patients' names on it.

Todoroki softly knocks on the door twice, they both hear a feeble voice call out, "Come in, please" Todoroki opens the door, letting in Katsuki first.

"Hey mum, how have you been?"

A beautiful white-haired woman with soft eyes was sitting on a bed, looking up at Todoroki and fondly pinching his cheeks with a smile adoring her face. "Hello Shoto, it's nice to see you again."

She then looks behind Todoroki and asks, "And who is this young man?"

Katsuki forces a smile and shakes his hand with her, "Hello Mrs. Todoroki, my name is Katsuki Bakugo. Me and Todo- Shoto are friends since high school."

She smiles at him, "I've heard about from Shoto, nice to finally meet you Bakugo." Shoto sneakily looks around for his mother's roommate.

"Who are you looking for Shoto?"

His mother questions, "Where's your roommate mom? I didn't get to see her last time either." He asks quietly, his focus entirely outside the door, incase someone walks in.

"She's down for her physiotherapy, she has prosthetic legs, didn't you know?". Shoto shakes his head, Katsuki's eyes slightly widen at it, he can't help but think if she had some genuine problems or if someone.. did something to her.

Just then, someone opens the door. A nurse comes in, pushing a wheelchair on which sat a blonde haired woman. She immediately smiles seeing the new people in her room.

"Oh! We have guests? Nice to meet you two, my name's Matilda."

Katsuki's frozen just looking at her. She looked exactly like Mellisa, of course a little older with wrinkles and all but anyone could relate Mellisa with her. "Hello, I'm Shoto and this is.."

Todoroki trails off, nudging Katsuki hard on his shoulder, "Yeah right.. my name is Katsuki." He assumed that she probably knew about him, even if she didn't know his appearance, she must've known about her daughter's ex boyfriend, right?

But, it seems like she doesn't. "You seem distracted young man, everything alright?" She asks, with a soft expression, soft enough to melt Katsuki.

He looks away for a minute before breathing in and, "I need a favour from you. You're the only person who can help me now." Katsuki blurts out, desperation laced in his voice.

"Do I know you?" Matilda asks, sitting down on her bed, with a little difficulty as she lifts herself from the wheelchair without anyone's help.

"I assumed you would, guess you don't. I'm.. Mellisa's ex boyfriend."

Matilda's eyes widen at it, "She has an ex?" She questions confusedly,

"Um... A lot of exes.. I wasn't her first." Katsuki corrects her hesitantly. But then, to their surprise she scoffs irritatedly.

"Of course, how would I know. I'm just a sex machine afterall." She mumbles sarcastically.

"Ma'am...?" Todoroki softly questions, "What so you mean by that? I'm sorry if I'm too invasive but-"

"No no no. It's okay. It's just that.. I've never seen Melissa... be herself. I was just used to give birth to a son, which was stuck a huge disappointment when it was a daughter, but yeah.. I was used to give birth to a Shield heir nothing else. I was thrown away right after."

Todoroki immediately tries to apologise but Matilda assures it's alright. "What help did you need from me, young man?" She asks Katsuki.

"I- like I was saying.. when we were dating.. it was.. actually a mistake if anything, we weren't in our senses and.. she got pregnant.. "

Katsuki mumbles. Matilda and Rei, Todoroki's mom gasp. "You got her pregnant? When was this?" Matilda asks in a much more stern and strict way.

"I was 18 and she was 20.."

"What? That's such a young age Bakugo! Were you that immature to- you know.. such irresponsible children." Rei mutters under her breath.

Todoroki sucks in a deep breathe, he could only imagine how Katsuki must be feeling.

"I know Mrs. Todoroki! I was young and stupid and hopelessly in love. It was my first time drinking and.. Melissa wanted to be with me, saying she would be the responsible one cause I might end up doing something stupid.

But then.. she wanted to introduce me to all the drinks she has ever had.. and then she joined me and.. one thing led to the other.. "

Rei sighs dejectedly before looking over to Matilda. "I can't believe she was pregnant. What you both did is unacceptable and I hope you know that Bakugo."

To which Katsuki nods, "So continue. What is that you want from me?"

"She didn't want the baby, but I didn't want her to go through an abortion. It was surprisingly easy to convince her to have the baby.

I didn't know about the birth, but in 2 days from her due date, she came home with the baby and made me sign a contract saying I would never come yo her in case I face any financial issues and that she officially no longer has any custody over the baby."

"That's so mean.." Rei whispers, to which Katsuki nods sadly.

"And well, everything was fine until a few months ago. Now, she's kidnapped him. My son. And I need him back. You're the only one I thought could help..

Please.. I need him."

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