Chapter 33

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3rd person's POV

"I'm sorry.. I've no idea on how to help you.." Matilda whispers out, her eyes slightly glazed with un-shed tears.

She really does want to help him, but.. she just doesn't know how.

"You are the only person I can ask right now.. please.. just something.. anything! Any place you know about? Why she could've done this? Please.." Katsuki whispers with tears running down his face. His voice breaks slightly as he sniffles, pleading to her.

"I don't know honey.. I- I have no idea.. I'm sorry.." Matilda says in hushed whispers, trying her best to keep the unshed tears in.

"I.. can feel you, I was pushed away to this hospital just a year after Mellisa's birth. I've been here ever since. I don't know anything about her. Her favorite color or food.

I didn't know she had a dating history or that she got pregnant. She's been coming to visit me since last year only.. and well, I don't like her much either."

Matilda reasons, taking Katsuki's palm in her hands and soothing him. Katsuki falls to his knees, sobs breaking out of him as he tries to swallow them in.

Todoroki sits down next to him, awkwardly rubbing his shoulders to help him relax.

"You were our only hope.. " Katsuki whispers, looking up at her with blood-shot eyes. Matilda let's a stray tear run down her cheek as she reaches down to ruffle Katsuki's hair.

"I'm sorry.." She whispers again. Katsuki drops his head down as he tightly shuts his eyes. He sighs loudly before getting up with Todoroki's help and then walks away.

Just as he walks to the door, he sees a piece of paper fluttering in the air, it was placed under a glass of water, he walks over and picks it up, eyes quickly scanning what's written.

"Mrs. Shield? Do you mind if I take this?" He asks, pointing to the paper, Matilda looks confused since she didn't know what it was but nods anyway.

"Of course not honey, you can." Katsuki sends a grateful smile her way before walking away, back to their car where he would wait for Todoroki to come after having a chat with his mother.

Todoroki takes a couple minutes before he walks comes back, "You could've spent more time with her, you know." Katsuki whispers as they get in, buckling their seatbelts.

"It's alright. She was the one who pestered me to go back and help you. Anyways, where to now?"

"Home." Todoroki sends a confused glance towards Katsuki before igniting the car and pulling away.

Katsuki sighs for the upteenth time that day before gazing out the window, his palm comfortably resting against his head with the paper safely folded in it.

Once they reach home, Izuku comes running to them and immediately hugs Katsuki. "Hey Kacchan.. hello Todoroki-kun. We've talked to her. I mean, Todoroki's PA, Kiyoko Lee."

Katsuki nods slightly, walking with Izuku as Todoroki trails behind. Izuku starts telling them about their talk.

"She's Korean and moved over to Japan when she was around 16. She went off grid for a few years in between before coming back to Japan.

Turns out she had done alot of illegal activities by changing her name and disguising herself. She's like a double agent of sort. She wouldn't open her mouth at all. She just kept laughing and smiling creepily.

The police took matters into their own hands and made her talk when we couldn't. They beat her up I assume, it's illegal actually, but they had no choice. She was blackmailed a little before she started speaking.

She's been working with Mellisa for years now. The police officers stressed on the word with and not 'for'. So we assume that they are friends or something. She said she was asked to spy on you.

She is the one who spread the news about the interview to Kaminari's colleagues. She is the one who left your application noticeable for the board members.

She had also thought of threatening the board to select you but turns out you were selected nevertheless.

She did everything just so you would join Todoroki's company. And then spy on you." Izuku finishes and takes a huge breath.

All of them were now inside the house, a few sitting on the floor while Izuku, Todoroki, Katsuki and Mina sat on the couch.

Kirishima passes her Kiyoko's reports to Katsuki. "What the fuck?!" Katsuki screams once he finishes reading it.

"It states her mother's name was Matilda and the last name is unknown." Todoroki gasps, snatching the paper from Katsuki.

"Fuck Bakugo. Are they blood-related sisters then..? No wonder she said she's working with Mellisa and not for Melissa. They are sisters and.. we never knew Mellisa had siblings." Todoroki scrambles across the paper trying to find more clues.

"They are what now?" Sero asks.

Katsuki sighs, "We just came back from meeting Melissa's mom. Matilda Sheild. She's been admitted in a mental hospital since a year after Mellisa's birth. She said she has no idea about Mellisa's and what could be happened to Haru but, I did get this,"

Katsuki shows the piece of paper, "It had an address which is located in the outskirts of the city and a phone number, saying

'If anything is wrong and someone is coming for you, call me in this number and come here. I'll be here. -Melissa'

She knew we might find out about Matilda somehow." Katsuki finishes.

"That's... Awesome, isn't it? We have a place where Haru might be. It's hardly been like 5 hours." Kaminari asks confusedly, trying to cheer up the group.

"I guess so. We need more forces though. That's why we came back, Do you think you could ask Tanaka for help?" Katsuki asks Todoroki, who had been gazing down at the floor the entire time, not uttering a word.

"I hope they can help us, but if anything, I suggest it's better if one of you guys also go with them, preferably two. Katsuki could come in to hold Mellisa down and then another person get Haru." Todoroki says.

"This should be relatively easy. We have the police with us. We can do this."

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