Chapter 27

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3rd person's POV

"Okay so, now that we have the contract, what the fuck do we do with it?" Katsuki asks with a frustrated sigh.

"We should all Todoroki if it might be of help" Izuku says, his eyes reading the contract over and over again, looking for some clues.

Katsuki sighs in response. "We can't keep asking him for help, it's been years since we talked and all besides he's my boss, do we not have a better plan?" He asks, a little shy and hesitant about the plan.

Izuku knows how he feels, yet that's their best choice. "He knows a lot of people and has better connections when compared to us" he tries to reason.

After a few minutes, Katsuki gives up and agrees to ask help from Todoroki.

"You do know that this may not help us arrest her right?" Todoroki says, placing the contract on the table after reading it.

Katsuki frowns, "Why not?" He asks.

Todoroki sighs and rubs his temples. "This is not a proof saying she was harrassing you Bakugo. This contract says that she might be potential danger to Haru that's all." He says, showing a couple particular lines in the contract stating it.

"Is this helpful then?" Kirishima asks, worried his friends might have gone through all the torture for nothing.

Todoroki shakes his head at that, "Of course it is. With this as our evidence, she will not be able to get custody of Haru legally." He stresses the word 'legally'.

"Legally? Does that mean she can do it illegally?" Kaminari asks, a sleeping Haru being cradled in his arms.

"Yes she can. If she does and we have a proof for it then she'll be arrested for it, but again your need proof that she's the one who did it."

"What are we going to do with this now then?" Mina asks, whining at the amount of information being dumped at her.

Todoroki softly smiles at Mina's complains, his eyes glancing over to her, he then states,

"Nothing. Keep it safe. If she does something legally we can stop her. If she does something illegally then we can submit this to the authorities which will end up in her being a prime suspect. But again, suspect, not criminal."

Katsuki sighs dejectedly. He was hoping this would help in the least, but of course it had to be a waste of time! All the trouble with his parents just for it to be trashy.

Izuku notices Katsuki's expression and subtly nudges his shoulder. Katsuki frowns and looks up with a mean glare. His eyes immediately go soft seeing Izuku look back at him with heart eyes.

Izuku see mouths, 'are you alright?' Well, that's all Katsuki needed to feel better didn't he?

He softly nods his head, his spiky hair bouncing with him making Izuku hold in a small giggle.

Izuku notices the others seriously talking to Todoroki about something, he turns back around to find Katsuki already looking at him.

Izuku raises an eyebrow questioningly making Katsuki break out of his trance and immediately turn away.

Izuku blushes seeing Katsuki's reaction, he wonders how much effect he had on the other. Izuku sees Katsuki's hands resting against his sides.

He thinks if he should hold them, they look lonely all by themselves. Izuku subtly threads his fingers into Katsuki's. He feels the older jerk at the sudden touch and whip his head to see Izuku.

Izuku is purposefully looking away so he does not catch Katsuki's eyes. It was so obvious how he wanted to turn around and probably even make out with Katsuki.

But he was looking away with blushing cheeks while his hands firmly grasped Katsuki's hand. Katsuki smiles at the gesture and softly squeezes Izuku's hand in a comforting manner.

Izuku then holds his hand even tighter. "Um.. Bakubro?" Katsuki looks up at Kirishima with an alarmed face.

He notices all the others looking at both of them with a teasing smirk on their face.

Izuku looks up at them too and completely turns red, he facepalms and covers his whole face. Katsuki glares at Kirishima but his cheeks were dusted a beautiful red, like his eyes.

Even though he tried to act tough, everyone could see the embarassment behind it.

What surprised all of them even more was that, even then, they still didn't let go of each other's hands.

"Any way.. what were we talking about again?" Katsuki questions after clearing his throat.

"Oh! Nothing important, you can continue~" Mina sings making Katsuki clench his jaws tightly.

"Listen here you piece of shit-" he starts but is cut off with a soft voice,

"Kacchan.. it's okay." Izuku whispers.

Kaminari and Mina immediately start cooing at how Katsuki listens to Izuku's words. Todoroki laughs at it softly before they all get back to the topic.

"Do you think we can hire someone to, you know.. spy on her or something?"
(Thank you BLlover04 for this idea, you are seriously such a life saviour)

"I mean, you technically can. But why do you want to do that? You already know it's her who is doing it. It's not like you are doubting her or something." Todoroki states.

"We don't know her true intentions behind whatever she is doing right now. Why does she want Haru? When she didn't want him before his birth?

There's seriously some reason as to why she specifically needs Haru. She could have used another random kid if necessary. There must be some messed up reason for it."

"Like what Bakubro? Give us some clues. She is your ex, you know her better tha anyone else." Sero asks, slightly pressurising Katsuki.

"I don't know. This is not the Mellisa I knew of fell in love with. I have no idea on what this bitch is after. She's changed."

Sero yet again asks, "She could have changed, but you knew her the longest. There must be some clues in your memory. Just like the contract. Think Bakubro."

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