Chapter 30

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3rd person's POV

News about Mellisa's mother was spread to friends and family. They had nothing about her except the fact that she's Mellisa's mother and she probably shares the same surname.

Tanaka had gotten serious with his work, thankfully. He had been trying to use resources he was being able to aquire from a police friend of his. He had a lot of connections which made the work quite easy.

The Bakusquad had been asking random colleagues at work if they ever heard of a person like her. Just randomly ask them if they have ever heard of someone named Sheild, they would get some funny faces or snarky remarks in reply, but that didn't matter.

Doing this is really risky, but they had no choice. People were their best resources.

Anyways, things got back to normal. Thankfully. Katsuki started going back to work, Haru was going back to school, Izuku was back in college, everything was smooth and lovely.

Nothing from Mellisa was kinda scary. She would never give up. They thought she was either trying to come up with a plan or that she was on the process of executing the plan.

No matter, they can let some like her ruin their lives. They had work too.

So today, Katsuki was in office when he got a call in the office landline. He picked it up hearing Todoroki's hurried voice, "Bakugo. I may or may not have found something important to the case. Come to my office. Quick."

Katsuki frowns before closing everything up and striding towards Todoroki's office. As usual he sees Todoroki's P.A oogle her eyes at Katsuki, his face clearly shows disgust, but well, some people are just not good at taking hints.

Todoroki was anxiously waiting for Katsuki. It probably isn't right, it could've been a coincidence if anything. Yeah it's just a coincidence. Katsuki walks in finding Todoroki nearly start biting his nails.

"Calm the fuck down, why are you so tensed? What did you wanna talk about?" Katsuki asks, as he swivels in the chair.

"So, do you remember how I hardly talk about my mother?" Katsuki nods a little confused.

"Yeah, right. So in my early childhood, my dad forced my mom away to a mental hospital after she poured boiling water on my face." Todoroki continues making Katsuki hiss loudly at hearing it.

"Ah shit, sorry. Should've made it a little less blatant. Anyways, so recently since like high school, I started visiting her again. We are not close and all but yeah. So, I was visiting her yesterday night and turns out she got a new roommate.

She's never gotten a roommate before and I didn't get to meet that person either but my mum told me her name. Her name was Matilda Sheild. I'm a little confused if she's related to Mellisa by some chance, you know.

I'm not sure though! I didn't get to see her at all, but what made me even more suspicious is that my mum described her daughter, who helped the woman move in from a different block, had blonde long har and blue sparkly eyes."

Katsuki immediately facepalms. His eyebrows crease together as his face fall into a frown.

"Fuck fuck fuck.. that's not some random person, that's Mellisa. Shit, do you think she knows you help me by some chance. Fuck she knows you from school. Is she doing this on purpose?

Ugh! Call your mother now. And vaguely explain her the situation, ask her to keep an eye out for this person and her sick daughter. Let's hope she didn't say your surname. Oh wait, does your mom look like you?"

Todoroki thinks a little and nods slightly.

"Fucking hell. Why the fuck are you guys looking similar! Ughh!!" Katsuki slams his fists at the table making it rattle and Todoroki flinch.

Todoroki immediately does all the needful, Izuku and the others were yet to know about this information, but that didn't matter. They could inform about this later.

Katsuki marches all the way back and opens the door harshly, and to his surprise Todoroki's P.A falls down on the other side. Katsuki stares at her for a few seconds, trying to process whatever was happening.

The secretary takes a few minutes before she catches Katsuki's eyes and immediately makes a run for it.

"Hey! You wait!" Katsuki yells, catching the attention of others in the office.

With her high heels, she was hardly being able to run a couple meters before Katsuki caught up. He grabs her by her hair and then gets a strong hold of her arms, as he lifts her up and pushes her towards a table, mercilessly.

"Bakugo, wait!" Todoroki shouts from his cabin, running towards the pair. Katsuki slaps the P.A right in front of everyone. Todoroki grasps Katsuki's hands and stops him from going further.

"Who the fuck are you and why were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" Katsuki asks, with no reply but just a smirk from her, he slaps her across the face, again.

"I'm asking you, bitch. Your better answer me or the consequences will be worse." He tries threatening her, yet they couldn't get anything from her.

"Pfft-, Bakugo, I'm not going to reveal anything and you know it, stop wasting both of our energy, come on." She says with a smugly smirk as she sits out blood (oops-) on some random person's table.

Todoroki immediately asks everyone else to leave, and they do. The police are called, Tanaka's friend comes in to arrest her.

Thankfully, Katsuki doesn't get into any problem for slapping her, the policemen say that they will try their best to get some information out of her.

"When did she join your office?" Katsuki questions once the police leave, while washing his bloody hands.

"Fairly few weeks before you joined I guess.. I was working with someone like her? My goodness."

Katsuki snorts before walking away, his phone blares then, catching both of their attention.

Katsuki picks it up "Mr. Bakugo.. Haru's gone missing.."

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