Chapter 13

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3rd person's POV

Hey Katsuki.. I reached home just a couple of minutes ago, today was fun thanks a lot!

Glad that you reached safely. I had a lot of fun today too, same goes with Haru. Thank you for today.

I'm glad he could warm up with me easily. I was really worried he might hate me, but I felt so relieved when he started getting comfortable with me!

I myself was surprised, he is not really good with strangers, but he was comfortable with you.

Guess that's just because I'm amazing *hair flip*

Yeah yeah, whatever.

And.. umm.. I'm sorry about his.. yk..

It's okay Katsuki, please don't worry about it, he's just a kid.. I would be really happy if we hang out again like today!

I would too. We could plan sometime..


Katsuki sighs as he plopped his phone down on the bed. He had an unconscious smile on his face seeing the contact name of Izuku in his phone.

Earlier this evening Izuku noticed that Katsuki hadn't saved his number YET and got angry, so he had snatched Katsuki's phone and put in his name while mumbling something angrily.

It was cute. Izuku is cute.

Wait- what? No no no. Izuku isn't cute. Wait no, Izuku is cute but Katsuki shouldn't be thinking about it. But Izuku IS cute.

Katsuki had been ignoring Haru unconsciously the next morning. He didn't realize it, but he knew that he had to keep his distance if he doesn't want a breakdown in front of his child.

The day was a holiday and it looks like the Bakusquad wouldn't be here until the evening, leaving the father-son duo to themselves.

"Daddy..?" Haru murmurs as he comes into the kitchen, his small palm clutching tightly onto his sippy cup. He kept looking down, a pout on his lips. Katsuki hums, asking Haru to continue.

"Do you not lobe(love) me any more daddy..? Do y-you.. hate me?" Haru whimpered as his doe eyes filled with tears.

Katsuki's heart clenched at the tone in Haru's voice, "Of course not baby.. why do you think like that, huh?" Katsuki kneels down to Haru's level, rubbing his tears softly.

"You didn't tak witf me at all an' you also igno-igno..."


"Yeah! Ignored me.."

Katsuki frowns and picks him up, swaying him back and forth as he softly mumbles apologies, "I'm sorry.. I didn't do that on purpose, I love you, okay?"

Haru nods slowly, his hair swaying with him. Izuku immediately comes to Katsuki's mind, like how his hair always sways with him every time he moves his head.

"Am I not allowed to meet zuzu anymore..?"

"Why not? Of course, you can. Don't worry."

"Otay! Can we call zuzu and ask him to come now?"

"He might be busy Haru."

"But, what if he isn't?"

"We shouldn't disturb him on a holiday"


"But, Kirishima and Mina did say they might drop by."

"Oh! Really? Yay!!"

Time skip~

It's been a few days since Izuku came to meet Haru. Things were going normally, everything seen to have fallen back in place.

It's also been a long time since Izuku and Katsuki talked.

Hey!! Imma spam you until you reply
Oh, wait-

What the fuck do you want.
I am at work and why would you spam me like this?

Oh come on! I was bored
My classes were cancelled today and you were the only person who I thought would be free now

Well, guess what? I'm fucking busy.
Stop texting me.

But I'm boreddd
Katsuki! Reply to me!
Come on!
You're the only friend I have
Wait- that's not true.. I do have friends, but you are the only one I wanna bother right now~


Why do you always reply when I call you Kacchan?

I said. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

What's Haru doing?

I don't fucking know!
He must've gotten back from school half an hour ago

Imma go spend time with him then!

Finally some fucking peace.



Katsuki comes back home, as usual, expecting Haru to come running at him or something but feels surprised when nothing happens. No cute little waddling, no teeny tiny hugs, no soft kisses.

"I'm home!"

"Daddy! Zuzu is here!!"

Katsuki sighs softly, a small smile creeping into his face as he removes his shoes and entered the living room. Izuku and Haru were playing together as Mina watched, giving random comments.

"Hey, Bakubro! You never told me you knew a cute boy like him. I really really wanna adopt him now!"

"He's 19. You can't adopt him, dummy." Izuku giggles at the pg-rated curse word. "Haru, your daddy was mean to me today, come on, ask him why"

Izuku playfully asks Haru, to which Haru also playfully asks his daddy, "Daddy, why where you mean to zuzu?" Mina also nods in agreement making Katsuki groan.

"He was disturbing me when I was busy."

"But Kacchan-"

Mina immediately snorts, trying to hold in her laughter which bursts out in just a few moments. "Kacchan? What sort of a nickname is that? That's so lame!"

Izuku pouts, "I was the one who came up with that nickname.. is that lame?" Mina's face immediately changes as she starts apologizing.

"Oh my goodness! I never meant to say that.. in so sorry Izuku! It's not lame, it's cute! You can call him that! I don't think Katsuki would mind you using it!"

Izuku immediately looks over to Katsuki, asking him if Mina is right. Mina looks over and notices Katsuki's face so she asks him, "You don't mind it, do you, Katsuki?" Her words laced with venom.

Katsuki had no choice but to say -
"Fine. Whatever."

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