Chapter 31

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3rd person POV

"Don't fuck with me! WHERE'S MY CHILD YOU IDIOT?" Katsuki screams into the phone, his voice slightly cracking. The person on the other side's voice shakes, clearly showing their fear.

"W-we... We-we're sorry sir, I-" Katsuki throws his phone against the wall in anger, smashing it. The loud sound ringing through Katsuki's ears, yet he couldn't feel anything around him.

Todoroki is running up to him to shake his shoulders off. But Katsuki doesn't feel him. A few workers were crowding around them after hearing the commotion, Katsuki doesn't see them either.

All that's in his mind is Haru.

His child. His baby. The only reason why he's still alive, breathing.

Is it his fault?

His lips start to wobble slowly, his arms curling into each other. His eyes turn bloodshot, voice cracking as feeble sobs spill out.

His vision turns blurry as slowly tears make their way down his cheeks onto the floor. His mind goes blank as his mouth opens in a silent scream, eyes closed tightly.

He slowly falls to his knees, silent sobs breaking the hearts of people watching him.

"Bakugo..." Todoroki softly whispers, his teary eyes looking soft and comforting.

"I-.. it's my fault.. If only-" he croaks out before collapsing down again, crying his heart out. His fingers dig into his arms painfully, leaving dark red bruises on them.

"Why him..?" Katsuki softly questions, "Why him? Why me? Why us?" Todoroki somewhat awkwardly pats his shoulder, trying to provide some physical comfort.

"We can still find him Bakugo. Don't give up, okay? It'll be alright."

Katsuki scoffs, "They planned this, do you not understand? We can't. We physically fucking can't. This is end game Icyhot. They're probably- ... Already flying off somewhere," Katsuki croaks as more tears gush out of his eyes.

"He's scared of flights.. he.. must've been scared and crying.. I hate seeing him cry Todoroki.."

Katsuki looks up, his eyes red and puffy, nose looking a bright red from the constant irritation. Just thinking about it made Katsuki want to throw up.

He couldn't digest the fact that his child is in unsafe hands, especially since he doesn't even know what they need him for. Why? Are they trying to kill him?

"Call Izuku. Let him know and that baldy, ask his police friend to trace whoever the fuck it was." Todoroki vigorously nods his head and walks away, calling them.

Katsuki slowly pulled himself up, noticing his completely destroyed phone he let's out a sorrowful chuckle. He drags his legs all the way to the bathroom.

While splashing water on his face and quickly drying it off, Katsuki notices his reflection, completely showing his raw emotions, unfiltered. His sadness slowly turn into anger.

His own angry eyes stare back at him, he lifts his arm and continuously punches the mirror vigorously. The mirror breaks into fragments, a few of them seeping into Katsuki's fists.

But those were the least of his concerns now.

Haru could be anywhere. The world is so fucking big and they could've kidnapped him to literally any fucking country with the amount of connection and power they have.

"Kacchan...? What are you doing in there?" Izuku's voice is heard, Katsuki completely freezes, he mutters a 'shit' under his breath. Of course Izuku would've heard it.

"Um.. nothing Izuku.. I'll be right back.." Katsuki tries to explain, quickly looking for bandages to wrap his hands.

"Why does your voice sound so strained..? Are you hurt somewhere? Kacchan. Open the door."

Katsuki fumbles with the draws, hurriedly searching for something to clean up the blood, he could explain about the mirror to Todoroki later,"I'm coming, give me a minute."

Izuku starts knocking on the door harshly, "Open the fucking door Kacchan, I wanna see you now." Slowly his knocks turn into banging sounds.

"Kacchan, your better open the door before I break it down with my bare hands." Izuku threatens, Katsuki facepalms at it. The cuts in his knuckles slowly starts to sting once his adrenaline rush calms down.

He hisses softly, "Kacchan.. come on.. I won't judge you, I swear.. just let me help you, okay?" Izuku whispers from the other side. Katsuki slowly opens the lock and sits back down on the bathroom floor.

Izuku opens the door and comes inside, quickly closing it behind him. "Hey.." he whispers, trying to break the tension between them. Katsuki simply nods in acknowledgement.

Izuku slids down to the floor infront of Katsuki, his eyes catching the blood stained mirror in his peripheral view. He looks for bandages quickly and some rubbing alcohol in the first aid box in the cabinet.

"You.. you are disappointed in me.. aren't you?" Katsuki whispers, while Izuku was patiently cleaning his cuts without a word. Izuku freezes at the question, thinking about it a little before sighing.

"No Kacchan. I'm not disappointed, just a little... worried. I've never seen you like this before and.. Todoroki told me you had a panic attack and well, I'm just disappointed in me because I wasn't there with you.."

He softly explains, tiny tears welling up in his eyes, threatening to make their way down his cheeks. "Hey.. don't be sad, come on.. it wasn't your mistake.. I was just a little angry.. I guess? Angry at myself for.. you know.."

Katsuki says a little vaguely, he slowly removes his hands from Izuku's grasp, before taking the younger's hands into his. Holding them lovingly.

"Please don't cry.. I've shed enough tears today and seeing your cry is just gonna make me cry too." Izuku sadly chuckles, he quickly wipes his tears away.

"Kacchan. I promise you. We will get Haru back. I've faith in us, okay? Let's focus on the plan now," He says, confidently. "Also, if you ever feel sad, or like you want to rant, in always here for you." He softly adds.

Katsuki nods his head softly, "Yeah okay.. Thank you for everything.."

Their search starts now, the first destination is Melissa's mother.

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