Chapter 24

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3rd person's POV

Izuku and Katsuki stay in bed for over 2 hours. Katsuki keeps switching positions because of how uncomfortable it was.

"Kacchan.. what's wrong.. stop wiggling around." Izuku mutters a few minutes later, his hands softly gripping Katsuki's arms.

"Tch.. it's nothing." Katsuki replies, his voice a little strained.

A few minutes passes before Katsuki is again wiggling around, twisting himself into uncomfortable positions.

"Kacchan, for real now, what's wrong? Does the wound hurt? Do we need to go to the doctor or something?" Izuku questions, sitting up next to Katsuki.

"I'm alright. Stop worrying over every goddamn thing." Katsuki mutters before turning away.

Izuku doesn't lie back down, he sits in the same place, glaring at Katsuki. Katsuki waits for him to lay back down for a few minutes before turning around.

"What the hell are you doing sitting up? And why are you staring at me like that?"

"It's nothing, I was just trying to figure out if something was physically troubling you. Nevermind." Izuku explains before laying back down.

"Actually Izuku.. why are you.. you know what, nevermind." Katsuki whispers a few second later.

"Kacchan, come on don't be like that. You got me all curious for nothing? That's mean. What did you want to ask about?"

Katsuki sighs before turning to face Izuku, his face immediately resting on Izuku's chest.

It wasn't like Izuku was taller than him or anything, he just laid down a little above Katsuki to hug him easily.

"I just wanted to ask.. what do you like about me?"

"What do I like about you? I might've to create like a 5000 slide presentation for that. Do you think you have the time?"

Katsuki softly punches Izuku's stomach, making him hunch over dramatically while laughing.

"Okay okay. I'll tell you what I like about you. First, your appearance, your look awesome. Like everything about you yells sexy. But I personally love your eyes, they can never lie, have you noticed?

I can always say if you are lying or not just by looking at your eyes. Next, your character, I love how you care so much for your loved ones, just feel shy to express it.

It's obvious most of the time, by the way. I also love how you protect your loved ones, your friends and family. You would do anything for them. Then.. you're just so awesome I don't even know how to word it. Like look at-"

"Okay okay. I get how obsessed you are with me. Stop." Katsuki whispers with red cheeks. Izuku simply laughs at his reaction.

"But Izuku.. why are you doing all this?"

"Doing what?"

"Staying by my side. I'm so annoying and stupid and dumb, why are you putting yourself with all my bullshit when you could be with someone so much better?" Katsuki asks in a hushed voice.

"Someone better? Have you looked at yourself before? Kacchan. You're perfect. I don't need anyone else. I like you for you.

You aren't dumb or annoying or stupid. I find you really interesting. What makes you think that?" Izuku asks, his hands going up to Katsuki's cheeks and holding them tenderly.

"I'm just.. scared if you would ever.. you know, get bored of me. I'm just a depressed single dad who doesn't even know how to protect my son. Why me?" He questions, tears slowly welling up.

"I would never get bored of you. You're just so.. unique and I love it. Depressed single dad? Kacchan. Haru is a blessing. I'm so happy I get to be a part of his life.

And we can work on your depression! I know, I can't just make it vanish away, but.. we can work on getting better. You'll always have me by your side.

You are awesome at protecting Haru. Remember how you nearly died trying to protect Haru from Mellisa? You're awesome Kacchan." Izuku whispers lovingly.

"Thank you. For everything." Katsuki mumbles, before reaching up to kiss Izuku.

Izuku smiles widely when he sees Katsuki pucker his lips up, waiting for a kiss.

He leans down to let their lips met mid-way into a beautiful kiss. They give each other small kisses, pecking each other continuously before falling into a comfortable silence.

"Also.. I'm sorry for today. I asked dumb questions and reacted shitty to you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Not to you at least." Katsuki mumbles embarrassed.

"No no no, it's okay. I was just worried cause you never act this way."

"I know! This happens at times, you know. I get super worked up about something randomly it lasts from a few hours to a few days. It's happens all the time. I hate it."

"Well, you don't have to worry about it anymore! I'll always be with you if it every happens!"

Katsuki smiles gratefully before slowly falling asleep in his arms.

They both didn't know what they were labelled as.

Friends? They are to romantic and flirty to be termed as friends.

Lovers? They haven't even been on a date!

Friends with benifits? They haven't had sex! They just kiss!

Friends who love kissing each other because they have a crush on each other but are too scared to confess? Yeah, that's the best way to put it.

Katsuki had wanted to ask Izuku on a date so many times! But he's just a little worried..

If they were to date then what would happen to the relationship between Izuku and Haru? What if Haru didn't like Izuku to be his supposed father?

What if Izuku didn't want to date a father? What if he didn't want a child? It would be too much of a responsibility on a 19 year old!

What if he was worried about the age difference? They are 5 years apart!

But he doesn't worry about them anymore. Izuku's always with him. And that's all matters. It's okay if he doesn't get to be called as Izuku's boyfriend. At least they are friends, right?

If only he knew that's exactly how Izuku feels.

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