Chapter 35

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3rd person's POV

"Daddy.." Haru kept whispering, his fists tightly clutching Katsuki's shirt as tears soaked his shirt.

"Sh.. it's okay baby.. I'm here, don't worry.."

It was such a rare occasion to see Katsuki talk so softly with someone and the others absolutely adored it. Haru was too frightened, he would hardly look up from his hiding place in Katsuki's shirt.

"Sir, we might need to ask him what happened inside, but please take your time, we wouldn't pressurise you about it." With that the police walked away, a cuffed Mellisa and her father, struggling under their hands.

Just as they leave, Izuku and the others let out a loud sigh, relaxing their shoulders.

"I was so scared my god..I thought she would find us and eat us up or something." Izuku mumbles, his head slowly dropping down to Katsuki's shoulder.

Haru, who was resting on the other shoulder, whimpers softly, hand reaching out to touch Izuku. "Thank you for saving me Zuzu.." he mumbles.

Izuku gently holds his hands, smiling, "You are absolutely welcome, but they all saved you too, lovely."

Haru looks at the others, finding Kirishima with a cheerful smile while Kaminari, Mina and Sero gave him a tired smile, he then mumbles a small 'thank you' before pushing his face back into Katsuki's neck.

Katsuki looks down at him fondly, before he starts to softly bounce him, helping him fall asleep.

All of them walk away to a car, quickly filing in as most of them fall asleep after the busy day. Sero was driving, listening to the radio as Katsuki and Izuku sat in the farthest back all to themselves with Kirishima and Mina in the middle and Kaminari next to the drivers seat.

"He must've been so troubled.." Izuku whispers once he notices Haru's breath even out, finally falling asleep.

"Troubled?" Katsuki immediately questions.

"Yeah. Didn't you see how he was only comfortable with you? Not with Mina or Kaminari or me, even when we called him to come to us. We usually spend a lot of time with him. It's weird when he doesn't speak to us like he usually used to." Izuku mumbles, cutely rubbing his eyes, before relaxing and snuggling into Katsuki's neck, tickling him.

"What are you? A baby? Get off me!" Katsuki wiggles him away, making Izuku whine and jut his lips out.

"Of course I am. I'm your baby, aren't I Kacchan?" Izuku mumbles with a small teasing smile.

Katsuki looks down at him, "Yeah, you are my baby." He whispers before connecting their lips together.

Izuku slowly kisses back, completely worn out after the day. "I didn't expect you to say that.." he whispers once they break apart, with a prominent blush on his face.

Katsuki gives a small smile, "Expect the unexpected I guess." Izuku smiles before stealing another kiss and finally dozing off.

Soon it's fine for the interrogation. They were able to give it a few hours only. Katsuki brings in a wide-awake Haru, who was clinging onto him, not letting go at all.

"Haru.. you need to let go."

"Nu" he simply says, snuggling closer, getting a little uneasy at the stares from other officers. Izuku sympathetically pats his back, soothing him.

"Will it be okay if I just sat in with him?" Katsuki questions, only to earn a sad no from the officer. He had no choice but to pry Haru away.

"Da-daddy..!! No- don't let me go please! DADDY!!" Haru starts wailing as soon as he was forced out of Katsuki's clutches. Watching him sob was so painful for everybody in the room.

"Haru.. calm down baby, it's okay. I'm here, okay. Just a little far away- like there? Is it okay if I stand there? Shh.. you are alright, please don't cry.." Katsuki whispers, almost scooping him back into his arms.

He tries to give the maximum amount of support he can without physical comfort. Izuku smiles softly, making funny faces to cheer Haru up as they walk away, just a little so that Haru's confessions can be captured in a camera without them in screen.

The head police officer sits in with a kind smile on his face. "Hello Haru. My name is Daichi, you can call me.. well whatever you like I guess."

Daichi smiles as Haru nods slightly before continuing, "Can you tell us what Mellisa did to you?" He asks, trying his best to work with a kid, he just never really had cases like this.

"That mean lady with blonde hair?" Haru softly questions.

Daichi nearly laughs, before catching himself and holding it in, he says, "Yes, the mean lady with blonde hair and blue eyes. Did she say something to you or do something to you?"

Haru slowly starts fiddling probably because he was uncomfortable with the topic. They patiently wait for Haru to say something, just when they were about to give up, Haru starts speaking in a small voice.

"She said she was going to use me for something and for that she should make sure I was healthy. I told her daddy always made sure I have healthy food but she forced me to drink some green goey stuff which tasted bad.."

He mumbles, "She also said I need a lot of rest because it would be a really long day tomorrow.. she said they were going to test me about something.. " Haru says, his mind then slowly moving away to the toys in the corner of the room.

Daichi tries asking him more questions only to end up with nothing but silence because he was really immersed into playing.

He also somehow managed to get some young policemen to play with him.

Daichi smiles before walking away, " I'm not sure how helpful this will be to us, but thank you regardless Mr. Bakugo. We'll try to talk with Mellisa. There'll be a court hearing soon. I'm hoping to see you there."

With that Daichi walked away, leaving Izuku and Katsuki to their own thoughts.

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