Chapter 12

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3rd person's POV

"DADDY!!!" Haru screams as Katsuki entered the house, he didn't even remove his shoes when Haru jumps on him and hugs him to death.

"Calm down Haru, I've been fine for what? Like 9 hours? You are way too excited." But Haru doesn't care, instead of his snuggles closer to his father, kissing his cheeks.

Kirishima comes out of the living room, "Hey bro! I'm sorry I got to go, I'm late for my work shift. Haru was really good today, just like any other day.

He's active though. You might have trouble putting him to sleep.. anyway goodbye! See you tomorrow!" Kirishima quickly grabs all his things when his eyes catch Izuku.

"Hey man! I suppose we have never met before! I'm Kirishima. Eijiro Kirishima. Nice to meet you!" Kirishima says enthusiastically, giving Izuku a first bump.

Izuku also reciprocates the enthusiasm, "Hello Kirishima!! My name is Izuku Midoriya! Nice to meet you!!" He says with a wide-tooth smile making Kirishima melt, literally.

"Oh my goodness! He's so adorable! I wanna adopt you!" Kirishima exclaimed, squishing his cheeks together, making his lips form into a pout.

Something that Katsuki could hardly resist from kissing...

Wait.. what? No no no. He doesn't have feelings for Izuku. Absolutely not. They hardly know each other! He doesn't like Izuku. Probably a teeny weeny crush..? Ah nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!

"Stop gushing over him, he isn't even that young. How do you think you can adopt him?" Katsuki says with a 'tsk' while putting down Haru, who was curiously watching Izuku with his big doe eyes.

"Wait till Mina shows up and sees him, Bakugo. Bye!" Kirishima slams the door shut making Katsuki groan at the loud noise.

Izuku was still awkwardly smiling, "He's.. different.."

Katsuki chuckles at that and shows Haru (proudly), "Don't mind him, this is Haru by the way, he's my son."

That's when Izuku notices the smol bean looking up at him cutely, "Aww he's so cute! Hi Haru-chan! I'm Izuku, you can call me whatever you like!" Izuku says kneeling down to Haru's height.

Haru shyly looks into Izuku's eyes and nods, "Introduce yourself Haru.. he's nice, don't worry.." Katsuki states, ruffling Haru's hair before leaving to fresh up.

Haru pouts when his dad roughly messed his hairstyle, making Izuku laugh at his antics. "Hewo.. I'm Haru.. nice to mwet you.." Haru whispers.

Izuku coos over him before picking him up in his hands and playing with him. Haru instantly warms up with Izuku and starts getting comfortable around him.

Within just minutes, Haru is laughing as Izuku tickles him. Katsuki comes out of his room to find Haru smiling at Izuku, he looks as if he needed this warmth from Izuku.

As if Izuku was the missing piece in their life. Well, at least that's what it looks like.

"Do you wanna stay with us for dinner, Izuku?" Katsuki asks as he grabs his apron and enters the kitchen.

Izuku snorts and laughs out loud at the apron, it says, 'Get the fuck out of my kitchen, you peasants.' "Why is your apron like that, Katsuki?"

"My friends gifted me this like a few months ago, I kinda like it and Haru can't read yet so.. I always wear it." Izuku chuckles and carries Haru to the kitchen to sit on the counter and watch Katsuki cook.

"I don't wanna interrupt your day with Haru, Katsuki. I'll go back home for dinner."

Katsuki frowns and says, "Nonsense. You aren't interrupting anything, if you did I myself would have kicked you out."

"Pwease sway(stay) for dinner Zuzu.." Haru softly mutters from Izuku's lap as he catches his father's soft smile.

Eventually Izuku stayed for dinner and had a chance to taste Katsuki's awesome cooking.

"Your cooking is just so awesome Katsuki! Woah! I can't cook, like at all. I burnt noodles once like a year ago, I've no idea how I managed to do that."

Katsuki snorts as he kept feeding Haru, "How do you burn noodles? It's just water and... noodles.."

"The pack said 'boil noodles' but it didn't say 'boil noodles in water'." Katsuki looks at him with a judging face.

"Boil means boiling in water, you idiot."

Izuku frowns and retorts, "How am I supposed to know that?"

"As a fully grown man, you should know normal stuff like that." The whole night went in just seconds. They had a lot of fun talking and playing with Haru.

It was soon time for Haru to sleep and Izuku decided to head back home. "Zuzu... Can I ask you some-something?"

"Of course, what is it?" Katsuki was sat with Haru in his lap as Izuku stood up, collecting his belongings.

"Will you be my mommy?" Izuku froze and turned his head so fast he could swear he heard a crack.

Katsuki himself was shocked at the sudden question, "Haru. That's not how you talk to people. Apologize."

But Haru whines, reaching out to Izuku. Izuku hesitantly picks him up. "Evewybody in my school has a mommy and they all make fun of me bec-becawse I don't.. pwease be my mommy zuzu.. I rweally like you!"

Katsuki's heart clenched at that. He never understood how much Haru is through. He grew up without a mother's love and.. it must've been really hard..

Did he fail as a father?

Did he fail to fill in the gap of what Haru's mother should've?

Why did he not realize that Haru is a child too.. why did it never occur to him that something is missing in Haru's heart, just like his own..?

"Haru. Stop that. Come here. I'm really sorry for what he said Izuku, please don't mind him. I-"

"It's okay Katsuki.. he's a child.. it's absolutely fine, please don't worry about it."

Izuku slowly leaves the house, his mind full of thoughts and his heart clenching at how sad and vulnerable Haru sounded.

Izuku didn't miss the tears in Katsuki's eyes either, they were so evident.. he must've felt so bad..

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