Chapter 9

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3rd person's POV

Work has been absolutely awesome for Katsuki. It did look a little biased to him since he knew the CEO and all, but both Todoroki and Bakugo tend to keep things formal between them when they are around people or just at work in general.

Today was a Friday, which meant a relaxing weekend was waiting for Katsuki. Haru had recently been wanting to go to an amusement park with Katsuki and he promised to take him this weekend.

The whole time at work, Katsuki couldn't help but think how excited Haru would be when he looked at those thrilling rides that were in store for them.

"Wow Bakugo, you seem to be in a good mood today," Miyoko comments when she saw Katsuki, they were both just about to leave when they bumped into each other.

"Well it's the weekend Akiyama" Katsuki shrugs, his smile has now disappeared, but his eyes could tell how excited he was to finally have a weekend just with his son without some dumbass boss calling him every other hour as if he was obsessed with him.

Due to the nice weather, Katsuki decided to take a detour and walk in the park before reaching the bus stop.

Small kids were running around, making Katsuki think about Haru, just like how everything reminds him of Haru.

Suddenly, he recognises a familiar mob of hair. Just a small glimpse and his breath hitches. Maybe they were there? It might be someone else or an illusion too!

He just doesn't want to believe something even though it's obvious.

"Katsuki?" He internally groans before looking back to find his (ex)parents.

"Yes?" The disgusting expression on their face was not as discreet as they thought it was.

The same face Katsuki saw 4 years ago.

"What are you doing here?"

"Why does that matter?" Katsuki retorted. He was in a really good mood and they just had to ruin it.

"Well true, we don't care. No wonder you are jobless begging in a park" his father scoffs.

"Oh, still didn't stop assuming shit about people, huh? You know what, I don't even care. Why am I wasting my time here.. " Katsuki smirks and turns around.

"Is your child dead yet?"

Well, now that aggravated him. "The hell? What sort of a question is that?" Katsuki frowns, he doesn't wanna cause a scene, it's his parents after all.

"I mean, a useless idiot like you couldn't have managed to fend for yourself and your child. I just assumed it would've died due to hunger or cold already."

Katsuki clenched his fist, trying to control his anger and take deep breaths. He didn't want people seeing him beat his parents in the middle of a park.

"Obviously Masaru. The useless piece of shit would've already died. What about you Katsuki? Are you still homeless too? Did your friends turn their backs to you yet? Are they tired of you already?"

Katsuki's mother spits out with a smirk on her face. Katsuki knew they were doing this deliberately seeing that he was still in his business suit.

They wouldn't assume he was homeless seeing the amount of time Mina spent on designing the suit now, would they?

"Shut the fuck up. I don't even understand what you guys want. If you are worried about me or my son, we are perfectly alright. Thank you for your concerns." Katsuki spats before turning away.

Just then he heard his mother shout put after him,

"We never cared about you Katsuki, you were nothing but a mistake. Just a useless, irresponsible, and dumb idiot. We are glad you aren't a part of our lives anymore."

Katsuki walks away acting as if it wasn't affecting him. As if he was alright. When everything inside him was crumbling to pieces.

He couldn't go back home now, if he saw Haru now, everything his parents said would come back at him. He needed a distraction.

A distraction to get him off everything for a couple hours.

Just then his eyes catch the board sign of a theatre in front of him, without thinking much he goes in buys a ticket for himself for some random movie.

Just a quick text to Mina that he might be late settled everything. He didn't have to worry about Haru waiting for him with a tense Mina anymore.

Katsuki doesn't even see the name of the movie before going inside, he didn't care. He just needed his mind off things. Hopefully, this helps.

The movie was going alright, nothing intriguing but it did do a good job getting his mind off things. Until the second part of the movie started.

The protagonist gets a low grade in his exam and his parents scold him about it. He doesn't care about it and just moves on with his life, but it made Katsuki think of something.

His parents used to expect perfection from him. Everything should be perfect. His grades, his behavior (at least when they were around) his looks, his attitude, his character, everything has to be perfect.

But they never cared about his mental health. He was hurting.

At one point, he couldn't keep up with those expectations. They were just too perfect. His parents would verbally abuse him. Sometimes literally abuse him.

He wished he was as carefree as the protagonist in this story. Not care at all and just enjoy life to the fullest. But he couldn't.

He had responsibilities.

He loves his parents. No matter how they treated him. They were his parents, it was somewhat of a love-hate relationship. He would never want to lose them though. But he did. 4 years ago.

The movie ends and the credits start rolling but Katsuki doesn't move from his place. Salty tears were running down his face. He couldn't help but think about the love he wished he got from his parents. The love he deserved.

"Hey, I saw you before the movie and well, you looked dashing, do you wanna-are you crying?"

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