Chapter 34

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3rd person's POV

Yeah no. It wasn't easy.

Katsuki, Kirishima and Sero had joined the police forces to help arrest Mellisa. They were worried about the evidences before but now that Kiyoko had provided a verbal evidence that she was helping Mellisa kidnap Haru, they have an arrest warrant.

Izuku was supposed to sneak in, which he boasts that he is very good at doing, and see if Haru is anywhere inside, if he was, he would press a small emergency button in a watch like thing which was provided the police, which was also very cute and red in colour might he add, to get reinforcements for the rescue.

But the point was. The house was heavily guarded.

Like super duper heavy, there were people marching outside the house, disguised in common clothes, but the police men were able to recognise them from some wanted list and when watched keenly, a pistol could be seen in their back pocket or coat.

They had to do something. Haru could bein there and Katsuki felt like his heart would leap out of throat at just the thought of something happening to Haru.

"Kacchan.. I'll sneak in now, okay? Shush! Don't scream!" Izuku cuts himself when he sees Katsuki nearly scream his lungs out.

"I'll be fine, I've snuck out at least twice my entire life."

Katsuki's face immediately goes neutral. "Yeah, I don't think you should do this.." he deadpans.

"What? Why not??" Izuku questions with a deep frown. Katsuki facepalms at it.

"Cause you aren't experienced enough. I thought you would've had a lot of experience at sneaking out, but just twice? I'm not taking this risk."

Izuku sticks his tongue out, "What do you mean? I've done it TWICE. How many more times would you have done it?"

Katsuki laughs a little, with a slight smirk, "I snuck out nearly every Friday and Saturday for around 3 years straight." Izuku gasps in-audiblely, he is about to say something before Katsuki slaps his mouth shut as the hear footsteps of someone.

Both their breaths hitch, trying not to let out a single sound until the other person passes by. Fortunately, that person probably didn't notice them. They just walked by.

Once they go away, Izuku pulls Katsuki's hand away from his mouth and says, "And your parents never noticed you snuck out? They sound shitty. Oh wait, nevermind. They are shitty."

Katsuki sighs before brushing it off. "Look. I'm trusting you enough to not get yourself hurt, okay? Stay safe and don't you fucking dare try anything that might potentially danger you and Haru. Okay?"

Izuku nods determinedly. "Yup. I'll keep that in mind." Katsuki and Izuku walk over to the back of the building which was thankfully only guarded by one person.

Just a strong hit in the head with some random piece of stick they found, Katsuki was being able to knock him out.

"Okay. Stay safe. I'll meet you outside." Katsuki whispers.

Izuku softly leans in with puckered lips. Katsuki too smiles and leans in, giving a small peck.

They both seperate with a slight smile, "Okay, bye." Izuku whispers before tip-toeing away.

Katsuki walks away with a sigh only to find a couple knocked out bodies of the guards and a few policemen standing with ther index finger raised to their lips, asking Katsuki to be silent.

Just then another guard walks by and the police capture him, tie him up and send him off in a van. Probably to get some information from him.

"Bakugo. We need to get in through the front entrance before the others notice the missing guards." Katsuki nods absent-mindedly before walking away with them.

Izuku successfully sneaks into what he assumed was the kitchen. It was completely bare, but the cabinets hinted that it was the kitchen.

He walks by a bedroom door at first, opening it slightly only to be met by a dark empty room. He walks by another room, which was completely open only to see the backside of Mellisa talking on the phone in the balcony of the room.

His eyes widen before he walks away again. He finds a beautifully ornamented staircase leading upstairs. Tip-toeing all the way, Izuku is met with a dark creepy corridor with three rooms.

He contemplates wheather he calls out Haru's name, but then decides against it. The first room was empty.

As he opens the second door, it squeaks slightly making him hiss at it. Inside, fortunately, Haru was there! He was asleep on the bed with tear tracks decorating his cheeks.

Izuku's eyes well up with tears. He walks in and shakes Haru awake, who by seeing Izuku immediately hugs him with all his strength while whimpering.

"Zu-zuzu.." he chokes back a sob.

"Sh.. it's okay. I'm here baby. Don't worry." Izuku softly shushes him. He keeps muttering it's alright and other stuff mushy stuff as he carries Haru outside.

Just when they come like the room, Izuku could hear the clicking of heels the staircase making his heart race. He looks for a place to hide before sneaking into the third room, pushing both of them into the wardrobe.

"DAD! WHERE'S THAT BRAT??" Melissa screams as she gets some muffled response from downstairs.

Izuku then hastily pulls out the emergency button from his coat packet.

"Oi! Where are you Haru?" He could hear people calling out for the kid outside. Izuku pushes the button and hugs Haru tightly, hoping they don't get caught.

Just as Katsuki and the others are hiding in the bushes in the front lawn, Daichi's (the policeman who's been helping them) phone goes off. "Izuku's found him."

All of them step like, running into the house with guns ready to shoot. Seeing them Mellisa tries to shout at them, thinking they were her guards but once she notices the gun, she tries to grab a knife only to get hit right on her head by Kirishima.

"Izuku! Haru!" Katsuki yells out, his first instinct telling him to go upstairs. Hearing him Izuku and Haru come out.

Haru immediately runs to Katsuki with tears fall down his eyes.

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