Chapter 22

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3rd person's POV

"Are you okay, Midoriya? Are you hurt or something? Where's Haru and your mother?" Sero questions as soon as Melissa's car zoomed away from the neighbourhood.

Mina quickly checks him for wounds, not waiting for an answer. "Haru is in Katsuma-kun's place.. I sent my mum there too." Just then the door flung open, revealing Inko with Haru in her arms.

"Oh my god Izuku! I just saw her leave, is everything okay? Are you hurt? What did she do?"

Izuku slightly chuckles at how his mother sounded, "No mum.. I'm perfectly alright"

The others were surprised at how similar Izuku and Inko look. What surprised then even more was that Haru seemed pretty comfortable with Inko! He was being carried by her and he seemed happy about it.

He kept fiddling with Inko's hair and then looked at her with his doe eyes as she talks to Izuku. He was cutely concentrating on how she spoke, his eyes never leaving her until she noticed him and gave him attention.

"Yeah mum. By the way, this is the Bakusquad I told you about! This is Mina. This is Kaminari. That is Kirishima. That is Sero and this is Bakugo. And well you already met Haru. How did you even get this close to him?"

Inko smiles at everyone, "He's such a cutie pie! I think he likes me cause I look a lot like you, but he was just a little shy he got used to me pretty soon and we are best friends now!" Inko exclaims, looking at Haru.

"Yeah" Haru mutters absent-mindedly. His eyes on Inko's earrings and watching them dangle as she moves her head while talking.

Everyone chuckle at him before Katsuki takes him from her, saying she might be tired holding him, Haru whines at first but then gets comfortable with his dad.

Inko and Izuku make eye contact as Inko teasingly raises hey eyebrows. The others also notice both of them talking with their eyes, but don't understand what they are talking. Izuku glares at his mother slightly before she suggestively raise her eyebrows making him break eye contact and blush hard.

"That was.. good to watch..?" Kaminari says awkwardly.

"Yeah, sorry about that.. come in all of you!" The Bakusquad go and sit together in the living room as Inko leaves to prepare dinner for all of them.

"Your house is so comfy Izuku.." Mina days as she bounces herself on the couch, enjoying it.

"Thank you, but the credit all goes to my mother." Inko yells from the kitchen saying that he finally accepts it while the others laugh at their cute interactions.

Haru soon starts getting a little uneasy on Katsuki's lap as he wiggles himself out and starts wandering around the living room, soon getting the courage to roam throughout the house.

Izuku tells them there isn't anything potentially dangerous for him. He takes all of them on a small house tour telling them random things about his childhood.

They come into Izuku's bedroom, finding Haru rotating himself on Izuku's study chair. He kept making sounds like, 'Zoooooom' and stuff, clearly enjoying himself. Izuku giggles before picking him up in his arms.

"Wow Midoriya.. you're such an All Might fan.. the room is filled with him.. there's literally nothing else here.."

Izuku awkwardly chuckles, "Yeah.. I'm obsessed with All Might.." Katsuki suddenly chuckles at something, making the others turn to him.

"I used to be obsessed with All Might too, when I was young.." he says, looking around. Kaminari snorts when he hears that. "What? He's cool, okay? Besides I liked those cool animations they had in the cartoon." Katsuki says defensively.

Inko comes into the room with a mischevious smile, making Izuku gulp hard. "You guys have no idea about his obsession over All Might. This is like to literally only 20% of it." Izuku groans loudly.

"What honey? I'm telling them the truth. It's because of this a little too much of an obsession that I learnt you were gay." Inko says laughing.

"Mom! You can't say things like that!" Izuku says before walking over to her.

"I didn't know it was a secret!" She says as she playfully backs away from him.

"Not really, but you still can't." Izuku pouts as he puts an arm over her shoulder pulling her in closer to him.

"Midoriya.. You had a crush on.. ?" Kirishima awkwardly starts,

"Let's forget this moment ever happened, okay? And of course not! It wasn't a crush. I just.. liked him, I guess."

Izuku vaguely says before he walks away, pulling his mother with him as she laughs. "That's how you explain having a crush!" Kaminari yells out to him as he walks back to the living room, laughing with Mina and Sero.

Katsuki and Izuku were still a little awkward with each other, but Katsuki's determined to get himself a date with Izuku as soon as possible.

The Bakusquad end up having dinner with the Midoriyas. Izuku and Inko have this really cute mother and son relationship that everyone were entertained just watching them bicker with each other.

Haru has gotten closer to Inko, she had this general love for babies and Haru was just a special case. He was so irresistible that she kept cooing at him. Haru also loved the attention he got from others, especially her.

"Izuku.. by the way, what did she mean then?" Inko questions, Izuku exactly knows what she was talking about.

Mina quickly questions, "What did who mean?"

Izuku sighs and tells them, "Melissa called me a whore and my mother one too because she was unmarried."

Sero groans annoyed with her. "Does that girl even have basic respect for people? Like, that was so unnecessary!"

"She probably did that cause me and Izuku have been getting closer. Please don't think about it, she's just trying to rile you up." Katsuki says, as he blushes slightly when he mentioned him and Izuku getting closer.

Izuku also turns away, blushing as he is reminded of their kiss.

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