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Part one

Jungkook pov




You groan as you hear the sound of your phone rings, interrupting your beauty sleep. You ruffle your hair harshly as you let out a deep sigh.

"Argh!!! Who is it?!" You punch the pillow and push the white comforter away from your naked upper body.

Try to reach the phone that was on the nightstand. You peek on the screen for the caller ID with your sleepy eyes.

You try to focus on the name when suddenly your eyes grow bigger and "Dad" appears on your phone screen.

You facepalm yourself.

"Shit!!!" You curse yourself as you look at the time.

"9:32AM?! FUCK! How can overslept?! Dad is going to kill the fuck out of me!"

You breathe in and out a few times. Calming yourself down and answering the phone call. You brought the phone to your ear.

"My son, finally you answered my phone call..." you gulped hard at hearing how sarcastic his voice sounded.

"Hi dad..." you say slowly, controlling the shakiness of your voice.

"Hi dad..." he snorted "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU JEON JUNGKOOK?!!" He spats.

"You know that we have an important meeting with 'the' Park Entertainment today? You ungrateful son!"

You frown and scrunch your nose as you hear your dad scream on the other side of the phone making you move the phone away from your ear.

"Dad relax~ who says I'm forgetting about the meeting. I was at the cafe near my house waiting for my hot mint choc drink to get ready. I'll be there in 20 minutes"

You say which makes you kinda shocked that you can talk with your calm voice. "Stop lying Jungkook. Make it 10 or else you know what I mean..." he ended the call.

You throw your phone on the bed and rush to your bathroom. You did your morning routine as fast as you could.

Luckily you're a musician, you don't have to wear something that is formal unless you were asking too.

You wear your black leather jacket and white tee. Black ripped jeans hugging your legs. Paired with your gray sneakers.

"Fuck I'm late!" You grab your phone, car keys and your bag that includes your paper works and rush out your studio house.

You run to your car and get in the car. You quickly turn on the car engine and drive to your company.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

You run towards the meeting room ignoring your workers that are greeting you. You push the door open, bust in the room without even knocking.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. Heavy traffic" you went to the empty seat beside your dad. Place your bag on the table and pull the chair out and sit down, catching your breath.

Your dad smiled apologetically to the people inside the meeting room. He leans closer to your ears and whispers to you.

"What the hell are you wearing Jeon Jungkook?" You frown and look at him, "what? My usual" you look at him confused. He looks at you blankly.

"Son, this is a formal meeting. We are discussing a profit worth of 5 million entertainment project." He let out a sigh.

He glares at you "Why can't you... be more alert and be my son... for once?" He says as he turns his head to the investor.

Listening to your dad's last words really hurts you 'be my son for once' you scoffs, tapping the pen on the paper.

"Everyone, Mr. Park... this is my son, Jeon Jungkook" he tapped on your shoulder, introducing you.

"The greatest music producer, songwriter and singer. Jungkook, this is Mr. Park Junsuh" your dad says introducing you.

You stood up and bowed to the middle aged man and the others. "Hello Mr. Park, I'm Jeon Jungkook. My apologies for being late..." then you guys start to discuss the project.

Time skip 3 hours after the meeting

You sigh followed your dad's heavy steps as he walked to your office. He opens the door and lets you walk inside first.

Then you heard the loud sound of the door slamming "what the hell is wrong with you, Jungkook?!" He raised his voice questioning you, sitting on the couch.

"What? Me?? You know I never wanted to work together with Park Entertainment. This is not my will. This is yours dad. You want this. I'm doing really great right now!" you say plopping yourself on your seat.

"I'm doing this for your own good Jungkook" he slowed down his voice. "My own good? No dad. This is more for your own good" you replied to him.

"What happened to you Jungkook? What happened to the passionate and ambitious Jungkook that I know? What happened to my son?" His voice completely changed. Sounded more sad.

You just keep quiet. Feeling a bit guilty. "I know what you need" your dad suddenly voices out. Exchanging his tone again makes you look at him weirdly.

"You need a wife, Jungkook." he says bluntly, making you choke on your own saliva.

"A WHAT??"

You asked him, raising your voice a little. Couldn't believe what you just heard.

"You need a wife so that your life will be more organized" you widen your eyes twice bigger.

"WHAT?!" You ask him again.

"Your mom will definitely be happy hearing this. I will find a good girl to be your wife-"

"DAD STOP!!" You raised your voice a little, making your dad silent.

"You don't need to find me anything. I'm good with myself you know" you try to convince your dad.

You run your fingers through your hair "do you have a girlfriend??" you were caught in between telling the truth or lying.

"Ye-yeah... of course I have a girlfriend!" Yeah... you lie to your dad. You have none. You don't even have time to entertain yourself, how can you have someone for you to entertain?

"GREAT! bring her home this Saturday. We, as in me and your mom, want to get to know her" he got up from his seat and walked to the door.

"Don't forget!!" He shouted making his way out of the room.

"Fuck! I'm so done"

"Where can I find a decent girl in this short period of time"

"Shit!! Fuck my life!!"


A/N: are you guys still alive?



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