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Part fifteen

Jungkook pov

"Wait... I'm sorry... who??" You turned your head to the side, giving your dad your left ear.

"Park. Jimin." He repeated. You clench your jaw. Hearing his name already makes your blood boil.

"There's a bunch of models in that company. Why y/n?" You leaned on the couch, crossing your arms on your chest.

Your dad scoffed "of course they chose my daughter in law. I mean look at her" he pointed at y/n from head to toe a few times.

"She has the whole package. Tall, beautiful... what else?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

You glance at y/n, she was looking down on the, playing with her fingers.

"I'm sorry dad but I have to disagree. He can choose any other models but not my wife" you stood up and walked closer to his table. Hands inside pocket.

"What? It's nothing more than just a business Jungkook! Put your jealousy aside for fuck sake!" your dad raising his voice.

"Jealousy??? She's my fucking wife! He's a fucking outsider! it's a fucking intimate song! How the fuck you want me to react?!" You slammed your hands on the table.

Then you felt a soft touch on your right arm "babe..." you looked at her as she shook her head.

A small smile was plastered on her face. She stroked your arm gently. "You trust me right?" She asked.

You frown against her question "of course I do. You're my wife but I don't trust him" you place your hand on the back of her head.

She smiles dearly at you, making your heart beat so fast. Too good to be true. You gulp hard and look away.

"Let me do this, please? This is just a business. Strictly business, nothing more. Trust me..." she intertwined her hand with you.

You let out a deep breath "I need time to think about this. Dad, I'm sorry. Excuse me" you let go of her hand and walked out of the room.

You walk in the hallway with a very serious face. Not even one staff member dared to look at you. You slammed your office door shut and sat on your chair.

Why am I mad when I found out about that? Was it because he is Park Jimin? Or... was it because of y/n? What is wrong with me?

Your pov

"I'm so sorry about that dad. I'll talk to him. Don't worry," you bow to the old man and make your way towards Jungkook's room.

You knock on the door slowly after listening to nothing. You open the door and make yourself in.

You see how Jungkook was sitting in his chair with his body leaned on it. His eyes were closed, his jaw clenched.

Can he stop from being this hot? You swallow hard. Your heels click as you make your way towards him.

You sit on the edge of his desk. Arms crossed "you did a really great job with your acting back there Jungkook" you smirked at him.

"Who says I was acting?" He says with his eyes still closed.

Your smirk faded.

Your heart was thumping real hard.

"I wasn't worried about you. As a matter of fact, I don't care at all but him... I don't trust him... I know he was up to something"

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