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Part thirteen

3 days later

Everything was fine between you and Jungkook. You have been his friend and you can't ask for more.

You glad everything between you and him went so well, just like how you imagine it to be.

He never touch you since that day. As if he is respecting your privacy. He slept on the couch while you sleep on the bed.

You did offered him to sleep on the bed but he refused. "I might not be able to hold myself if I shared the same bed with you" his words keep on playing in your mind.

Not gonna lie, you feel empty. Even though he is there in front of you, you feel so lonely. You miss his warm cuddles. You miss his little gesture by doing a circular motion on your back. A lot more.

But it was his decision to keep a gap between the two of you and you have to  respect that.

"Y/n are you done?" You turn your head towards his direction and smile "yeah I'm done" he smiles while approaching you.

He eyed you from head to toe. He tucked his hands inside his pocket. "You never failed to impress me, love" you look away and blush hard.

 "You never failed to impress me, love" you look away and blush hard

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(That's you and your pretty dress)

"L-love?" You whisper to yourself. He wrapped his left arm around your shoulder.

He leaned towards your ear and said "oh come on girl. I can call my best friend with such nicknames... a good one of course"

You sneered and rolled your eyes. You moved his arms away from you "no I don't need that... thank you" you winked at him.

You grabbed your coat and walked out of the room. Jungkook smirked and poked his tongue inside his cheek before taking his steps following you out.

Time skip <the club>

Both of you walk side by side entering the club. You mouthed wow seeing how full the club is with the sea of humans.

"This place is so packed Jungkook" you say, raising your voice a little since the club is too loud with the music.

He just smiled at you and placed his hand on your back motioning you to follow him. You make your way to the VIP section that was guarded by two muscular people.

Finally you reach one of the exclusive VIP sections. "Act like you don't know me. Imma hunt some girls rn" Jungkook whispers in your ear.

You look at him feeling kinda hurt. But then you questioned yourself, you don't have the right to feel some sort of ways.

He kisses your forehead and leave you alone. You walked to the bar and sit on the empty chair.

"Hey" the bartender turned his head towards you "can i get (you tell him your signature mixture) please" he nodded and quickly prepared yours.

You take a sip of the drink. You look around and spot Jungkook on the dance floor with a girl grinding on him, a really sexy girl.

Your hands balled into fists. You feel something unusual for the first time. You feel jealous. You gulp the hard liquor in one breath.

You try to walk away when you bump into someone "y/n?" You look up to the figure "Jimin? Hi!" You smile and hug him.

"We met again! How are you tho?" He asks with his hands still on your waist. "I'm great as always. How about you?" "I'm good too. Are you alone?" He asked you.

You were about to answer him when you remembered how Jungkook words and acts. You smirked and looked at Jimin who's looking back at you with a confused face.

"Yeah... I'm alone" you say, taking steps forward towards him. Jimin smirked and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Want me to accompany you?" He winked at you "sure, why not?" Your arms made their way on his neck "Wanna dance?" Your lips curled up with a smile.

You both dance like there's no tomorrow. Did you forget about Jungkook? No. The fact that you're hurt, you just let it go by having Jimin with you.

Your back leaned on Jimin's hard chest with your right hand on the back of his hair. While Jimin's hands trailed from your bare shoulder down to your waist.

As you swayed left to right, Jimin's lips landed on your neck. You quickly turned around and faced him. You place your hands on his chest stopping him.

"I'm sorry y/n. I got carried away" he looked apologetic towards you. You smiled and shook your head.

Why am I feeling so guilty? Me and Jungkook, we're married just based on a piece of paper. I am allowed to do whatever I want. Why can't I enjoy it?...

"Y/n" snapped back to reality when you felt Jimin's warm hand on your cheek. You look him in the eyes as you see him slowly leaning towards you.

You gulp hard as his lips only millimetres away from yours. Then a hand grabbed you and forcefully pulled you away from Jimin making you hit the person's chest.

Your eyes widened after seeing a really mad Jungkook but he wasn't looking at you. He was eyeing Jimin.

"Stay away from her" Jungkook held your wrist and stormed out of the club. He pushed you in the passenger seat.

"Jungkook what the fuck is wrong with you?!" You yelled as you saw him sitting on the driver's seat.

He kept quiet and started to drive. He keeps on driving at full speed "Jungkook slow down" you say slowly.

"Jungkook please... you're gonna kill the both of us... slow down please..."

"shut up y/n" he keeps on driving with the same speed until you reach the hotel.

You both got out of the car and he quickly grabbed your wrist once again while pulling you to the hotel room.

"Jungkook let me go!" You were struggling to break free from his strong grip. He let go of your hand once you both were inside the room.

"And what?! You're gonna go back and fuck him??" You can see how angry he is from the way he is breathing.

"As if you won't fuck the girl that was grinding on you" your scoffed. Looking away and folded your arms on your chest.

"So you're taking revenge on me huh?" He blurted "excuse you... why would I?!" You look at him in confusion

"Because you're jealous!!" Your eyes widened and lips parted acting like you're shocked at the fact that you really are jealous of him.

"Oh no you didn't say that to me boy..." you smirked. "You're the one who told me to act like I didn't know you yet you're the one who pulled me away from someone when I was having fun..." You walk closer to him.

"You even told him to stay away from me... For no reason..." you tapped on his chest a few times. Mocking him.

He clenched his jaw and balled his hands into fists. He kept on silent. You stupid self took the chance and keep on mocking him.

"I was having so much fun just now Jungkook... but you take that away from me..." you say slowly yet temptingly.

"Stop that y/n" he says with a very serious tone. "Jimin gave me a lot of fun just now" you bit your lower lip while your eyes glued on him.

Then he smirked and took steps forward towards you. You frown and gulp hard. You keep on taking steps backwards until your legs touch the bed.

You furrowed your eyebrows. You gaze at him with confusion "More fun than this?..." in a split second he smashed his lips on yours...


A/N: Jungkook button finally gave up 😭 #justiceforjungkooksbutton

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