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Your pov (one month later)

You placed down the plate on the centre of the table. You look at the dishes you have made with a satisfying smile. You glance over at the watch on your wrist.

"Oh it's almost 6. They must be arriving here at any minute from now" you pulled over the apron off your body and hung it over at the wall.

"Baby?..." you turned your head to the sound behind you.

"hey babe" you smile genuinely while making your steps towards him. He opens his arms and you quickly get into his embrace.

"How are my two babies doing?" He says as he parted from the hug and placed his hands on your huge belly.

"We're doing perfectly fine. Never better" you peck his lips. He kisses your forehead before embracing you once again.

"Glad to hear that" he whispered.

"I'm glad everything falls into place now. You don't know how I miss seeing that smile on your face" he muttered slowly yet lovingly.

You look at him and stroke his hair, adoring his baby face. "I love you" you whisper. A smile crept into his lips. He leaned closer to you, brushing the tip of his nose with you.

"I love you more baby... more than you can ever imagine" his soft lips landed on yours. The kiss was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell rings.

Jungkook groans and looks at the door before fixing his annoying eyes back on you "wrong timing... get ready baby. They are here" he planted a kiss on your forehead and made his way to the door.

Your smile never leaves your lips while watching him greeting his parents and your mom. You saw his dad coming to you. Not gonna lie you gulp hard as you know how much he hates you.

"H-hi da-dad~" you look at him once then switch your gaze to Jungkook who was standing behind him with a reassuring smile plastered on his face.

Then out of nowhere Jungkook's dad hugged you tightly as if he will never gonna see you again. "My child... Please forgive me. I know this is the 100th time I've been asking for your forgiveness." he mumbled in tears.

Your eyes widened as you darted at Jungkook. He nodded slowly, tears slightly visible in his eyes.

"Dad..." you hug him back tighter.

"You did nothing wrong. you are never wrong. Please stop blaming yourself. stop asking for my forgiveness." you reply in your crack voice. He parted from the hug and cupped your cheek.

"How can I be so lucky to have you as my daughter? What did I do in my past life to deserve such an angel like you in my present?" He says dearly.

You just smile at him and close your eyes as you feel his lips softly placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. Then slowly it turns into a group hug.

The doorbell once again rings "let me get that!" You say happily. You walked to the door and twisted the doorknob opened.

"Namjoon!! You made it! I can't believe—" you hug jump in his embrace but then your eyes caught with a very cute yet beautiful girl behind him.

"oh... who is this pretty girl?" You pulled away from the hug and switched your gaze between Namjoon and that girl.

"Umm... y/n. she's a— she's Sky, my girlfriend" he scratched the back of his neck. Your eyes widened "no way! THE Playboy is no longer a playboy!" You unnoticeably raise your voice.

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