Three 🔞

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Part three (18+)

Y/n pov

You stand straight for a moment. You observe him but then you decide to go with him.

I mean he's hot and why not, right?

You gesture to him to wait while you make your way to Namjoon. You hold his arm and whisper to his ear.

"Joonie, can I get off work a little early today?" You look at him with your puppy eyes and full of hope.

He furrowed his eyebrows and observed you. Placing the back of his hand on your forehead "Why? But you're not having a fever. Are you sick elsewhere?" He questions you. You didn't answer him.

Instead you turn your gaze to the guy that was sitting a few feet away from you. Namjoon looked in the direction then a devilish smile appeared on his lips.

"Ooh... someone wants to get laid tonight" he says, biting his lower lip. "Oh my goodness! cut it out Namjoon" you hit his arm.

"Okay sure. You can go in 30" he says winking at you. You pinch his cheek "thank you playboy" he smiled at you.

You walk back to the guy "who's that?" He pointed at Namjoon "oh he's my boss actually. He owns half of this bar" that guy just nodded.

"So you were asking him to get off earlier?" He guessed. You look at him and lean on the counter "yeah" you winked at him.

"Nice." he replied.

"You want another drink?" You asked him. He darted his eyes on you "only if you drink with me too" he says as he comes closer towards you.

Your breath hitch when his lips slightly brushing yours. You know how red you are right now. You're lucky that the bar is dark, he can't see how blushing you are.

"Wow... hold your hormones trouble" you back away from him, letting out a little chuckle.

You made another shot of your signature for you and him. Again, he took it in one gulp and so do you.

Both of you were talking to each other waiting for the time to pass by. That's when you know his name is Jeon Jungkook and he is in the entertainment industry.

"Oh it's time to go. Wait here, let me get my stuff" you went over to Namjoon and bid him goodbye then grabbed your belongings and stormed out of the club.

People's eyes are on you because you are wearing a white lowered chest spaghetti crop top and shorts that show your buttcheek.

Both of you are walking in the parking lot in silence

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Both of you are walking in the parking lot in silence. He slipped his hand inside his pocket and grabbed his car keys out. He clicked on the button and the sound of the alarm was heard.

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