Twenty Nine

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Part twenty nine

Your pov


Jungkook called out "hmm?" You hummed and fixed your eyes on him while spooning the food in your mouth.

"It's been a month already... since the incident between you and Taehyung happened" he stopped eating and placed down his cutlery.

"And?" you questioned.

Palms join together and you rest your chin on top of it "don't you think our surroundings are a little too calm right now?" He gave you his worried look.

"What do you mean?" Your brows furrowed. He breathed out a huge amount of air.

"I mean... we didn't hear anything from Taehyung. Literally nothing and to be honest I don't feel nor think it's a good sign..." he speaks with such seriousness. You purse your lips and bite your inner cheek.

"Why are you saying that?" You question, trying not to let the thought of something bad will happen even after hearing it from Jungkook. He holds your hand slowly caressing the back of it with his thumb.

"I have this bad feeling that he is up to something... and that something is not good. What if he wants to hurt you or our baby?" The look that he gave you melts your heart. Your lips crept into a smile. You cupped his cheek and pecked his lips.

"Babe, relax... I don't think he would do that... he is my step brother and I know him very well. don't worry, okay?" Jungkook pouted and leaned on your hands "I just want my two heartbeats to be safe..." he closed his eyes then he flicked his eyes open.

"Can you promise me something?" You raised your eyebrows as a what to him. He pauses for a while looking deep into your eyes.

"Promise me you will take care of yourself and our baby and... you will never leave me..." you leaned closer to him and linked your lips with his.

You gave him a very passionate yet tender kiss before you pulled away from the kiss. Your forehead rested on his as your breathing was heavy from the kiss session you just had with him.

"If I was given the chance to choose the king of my heart in my next life... I'll still choose you... No regrets" your reply makes him release a sigh of relief.

"You don't know how deep my love is to you... I would even spare my life for you, baby... I love you..." he smiled and leaned closer.

"I love you too" you replied, smiling in between the kiss.

Later that night

Both of you were sitting on the couch scrolling some items for your little bundle of joy. "This is cute!" You showed him a pink bunny onesie.

"Baby no... it's pink" he protests "So what? it's cute tho" he rolled his eyes at your answer. You giggle at him.

Then the front door bell rings non stop "what the hell" both of you glare at the door "are you expecting someone?" He questioned. You shook your head as no.

"Stay here" he got up from his seat.

"careful babe" he looked at you and nodded. Slowly he opened the door and there stood his dad with his mom with an unpleasant facial expression.

"Dad? Mom? Hey..." before Jungkook can finish his sentence his dad throws stacks of papers on his face.


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