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Part ten

Jungkook pov

Why is she so pretty?

"Are you done checking me out Jungkook?" You're back to reality after listening to her soft voice.

You look at her as you both were dancing at the middle of the hall with everyone's eyes on you guys.

"Not gonna lie, you look breathtakingly gorgeous tonight" you playfully winked at her.

She laughs a little and looks you in the eyes "you like the dress?" You smiled "I love it. It suits you really well" you compliment her.

Then you leans closer to her ears "Maybe you can find something like this when you are going to get married for real next time" you stupidly added.

She looks kinda hurt when you say that. You, yourself were hurt after those words coming out of your mouth.

She smiles and replies "Come on Jungkook... I'll get a better one than this" you scoffed at her, rolling your eyes on her. She laughed then rested her head on your chest.

"gonna make it look real... right husband?" She says. You nodded "yes my wife" and played along by hugging her tightly, kissing the top of her head that smells like roses.

Time skip [Jungkook's parents house]

Your pov

"Finally we're done!" You plop yourself on the bed while Jungkook is struggling to bring the luggage and place it in his room.

You laughed at him "need help?" He looked at you in disbelief "just stop y/n. Everything is done btw" he rolled his eyes on you.

You walk closer to him and look at him with puppy eyes "awhhh is Jungkookie mad at me?" You brought your hands together and placed them under your chin.

"Stop that y/n" you didn't listen to him yet you keep on mocking him. Out of nowhere he lifted you up in bridal style.

"Jungkook! What the fuck are you doing?! Put me down!" He then throws you on the bed and hovers above you.

You place your hands on his chest to prevent him from going further "what tf is wrong with you?!" You furrowed your eyebrows at him. Your heart beats fast.

He smirked at you and slid his right hand under your wedding dress. Moving from your thighs upward.

"Jungkook..." you quickly stopped him.

"Don't think that I've fuck you once before, I won't fuck you twice or more in future y/n..." winks seductively at you. Pinning your hand on top of your head.

"Mock me again and you'll receive a really great pay back... my wife" he says as he leans closer to your neck. He pressed his lips on your skin and started giving you wet kisses, making your breath hitch.

"jung-Jungkook no... s-stop..." you stammer.

"Your parents—" He didn't listen to you, instead he kept on sucking your neck giving you lots of dark red and purple marks.

His other free hand slid under your wedding dress, up to your core. Slowly rubbing it. You squirm under his soft touch. You can feel him smirking when you accidentally let out a soft moan.

But... before you guys could move further, the door suddenly swung open.

Revealing your mother-in-law.

"hey kids, if you- OH MY GOD! I'M SORRY!" He let go of you in an instant and stood up straight.

"Mom! Can't you knock first???" He says looking at his mom with his dramatic shocking face.

You quickly rushed to the bathroom and locked the door. "What the fuck just happened???" You say as your back leaned on the door.

Time skip [2 weeks later]

You're currently having dinner with Jungkook's family. You're eating in peace when your father-in-law says something that makes you choke on your food.

Jungkook gives you water and patted your back "slowly baby..." once you feel okay you look at his dad.

"Honeymoon?" Your eyes grow bigger. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why do you sound so surprised? It's normal for a newlywed couple like you both to go for a honeymoon" Mr. Jeon said.

"Oh uh... it's nothing" you replied after seeing how intimidating his gaze was to you. "Good. So your mom and I have booked everything for you both and you'll be going to the city of love, Paris" he takes a sip of his hot dark coffee.

Your eyes sparkled "paris..." but then you moment got interrupted once again. Making your eyes widened, lips parted.

"make sure to bring home good news" this time Jungkook was the one who choked on his water.

After you feel like hell with the dinner, finally Jungkook excuses the both of you to your room.

"We're dead aren't we?" You ask Jungkook, crossing your arms on your chest. He smiled sheepishly at you, scratching the back of his neck.

"First, we get caught when we almost having sex. Second, about the honeymoon and then grandchild. Really Jungkook???" You glared at him with a serious face and shook your head.

"What? It wasn't my fault okay" he says running his hand through his hair.

"but some of those things are not a part of our agreements!" You raised your voice and stomped your right foot on the floor. 

"Lower down your voice before we get caught y/n! and stop acting like a child!" He steps forward and covers your mouth. You push his hands away.

"You don't have to remind me that everytime, trouble" you roll your eyes and sit on the bed. "Then don't make me" he says and goes to his workstation and starts working on his music.

The room was filled with tension, then the door swung open once again.

Gosh! Can't his mom learn how to knock or something?! You scream in your mind.

"Mom, really? Again?" Jungkook asked with annoyance. "Oh I'm sorry but... wait... are you two fighting??" Her eyes are widening and so are you both.


"Yes!" Jungkook gives you a real death glare.

"Okay love birds. Don't fight. I just came by to tell you that your flight is tomorrow night. So get your things ready and enjoy!" She said and went out of the room.

"Your family's slowly killing me, trouble"


Get well soon Jiminie. My thoughts and prayers are with you bro 💕

And also happy Chinese new year guys 💕

And also happy Chinese new year guys 💕

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