Twenty One

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Part twenty one

Unknown person pov

He sits on the bench with a hoodie on his head. Covering his face from being recognised by her.

He smirked at the sight of y/n walking down the sidewalk pushing the huge luggage in her grip.

Witnessing her tears running out of her eyes makes him feel powerful. He felt satisfied. He feels as if victories were on their way to him.

"That's just the beginning my dear y/n. That's what you get when you decide to ruin my precious life..." he flicked his tongue inside his cheek.

"Don't worry because there are more to come. Brace yourself little girl. We got a long..... way to go" he smirked and licked his lower lip.

He glanced at her once again before standing up and making his way opposite of her with his hands tucked in his pocket.

Two days later

He stood in front of Jimin's office. Closing his eyes and breathing in a large amount of air. Before slowly he opened his eyes and let it go. He cracks his neck bone to relax his muscles and take steps inside the building. His unspeakable aura has caught a few attention on him.

"Who is that good looking guy?"

"Oh my god! Is there really an angel in this world?"

"How can he be so intimidating just by casually walking??"

The girls in that building whispered among them. He smirked as they whispered too noticeable to him.

"I won't mind if he rips my dress away and let me be under him for as long as he wants" a 5 '7 tall girl with a thick body mutters a little too loud that causes him to stop his tracks and turn his head towards her.

He eyed her up and down before heading towards her. He stopped just a few inches away from her, making her gulp hard in the presence of him.

"I heard what you say babygirl" he snake his hand on her waist pulling her closer to his body causing the girl and the other girls gasping at his unexpected move.

"I won't mind either to give you what you want... meet me at xxxx in an hour," he pecked her lips and let her go. Leaving her standing there, breathlessly.

Without even having a thought of knocking the door he pulls the door open. Getting two pairs of shocking eyes fixed at him as he walked in the office.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He blurted with his irritating face and voice tone. He smirked before plopping his ass on the couch and crossed his leg.

"I don't like that tone Jimin" he says as he takes out a pack of his cigarette and ignites it after placing one on his lips.

"This is my office and you are not allowed to smoke in here. Fire off the smoke or I'll call my security to fuck you out of my building" Jimin says with a serious tone this time.

He blows the smoke "oh... you're threatening me, I see..." he chuckles "let me remind you this..." he holds his phone up and presses the play button.

"I want to ruin his life! His marriage! His company! I want to ruin everything about him! No matter how hard it is!! Or whatever it takes! I want to destroy him!! Jeon Jungkook!!!" He locked the phone and placed it inside his pocket. Mockingly smirked at Jimin, tapping it from the outside of his jeans.

Jimin's eyes widened. Cold sweat streaming down his face. He knows the moment he played the audio he is fucked up "What do you want from me?" He asked with his teeth gritted.

He leaned his back on the couch after he tapped the burned cigarette on top of the glass table. Leaving a black stain on it.

"Let's just say it this way... I want you to do something for me but before we go to our business... let me ask you one thing" he turned his head in Jimin's direction.

"Did you really fuck her?" He asked, narrowing his eyes on Jimin. Jimin's eyes widened in an instant.

"Ho-how did you kn-know?..." The look of frightened was visible on his sudden pale face. He laughed and shook his head. "I have my way Jimin..." he stood up from his seat and made his way to the mini bar.

Jimin's eyes followed his motion as he took one glass and poured red wine inside it. He put one piece of the square ice and gently shook the glass. 

He took a sip of the hard drink "Tell me Jimin... did you really banged on her?" He took a seat on the chair in front of Jimin's desk and placed the glass on the table.

He waits for him to answer his question "come on Jimin... just answer me... I won't bite" he took a sip of his drink once again.

Slowly Jimin looked down on his lap and shook his head. "What???" He raises his voice, looking at him in disbelief.

"I didn't do it okay! I almost did! But I hold myself back! I just took off her clothes and mine and gave her a few hickeys... that's all" Jimin explains.

He scoffed after listening to it "unbelievable..." his eyes pierced at him as he shook his head.

"why didn't you do it??" His tone raises. He looks damn mad. "Why are you mad at me? I don't have the heart to go further, okay!" Jimin got up from his seat and stood behind his desk.

He laughed his lungs out after listening to Jimin's words "you've got to be kidding me Jimin. You didn't have the heart to go further?? Really?" He laughs again. 

"this is so entertaining bro..." Jimin looked at him in a puzzle "what do you mean?" He asked with his brows furrowed.

"You just ruined their marriage bro... you just made Jungkook doubt about the child that she's carrying... you should just fuck her up. Gosh you're so damn stupid bro" he pokes his tongue inside his cheek and shook his head. Finishing his drink in one gulp.

Jimin stumbles to the back looking at him in disbelief "she's what?..." he didn't answer. Yet he got up from his seat and stood beside Jimin. A devilish smirk plastered on his lips.

"Yes Jimin... she's PREGNANT"


A/N: what the fok Jimin????

 A/N: what the fok Jimin????

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