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Part twelve

The next day [your pov]

You woke up to the sound of a door closing. You rubbed your sleepy eyes. You try to open them but only one was willing to cooperate.

"Morning sleepy head" you turned your head towards the voice. You see a shirtless Jungkook. He only wears his black sweatpants.

He stood in front of you with a mug in his hand. His other hand was tucked in his pocket. His hair was wet, maybe he just finished bathing. He took a sip of his hot drink.

What a view... grrrrrr 🐯

"Morning Jungkook" you say with your husky morning voice. You sit and cover your naked body with a thick white comforter.

You blinked your eyes a few times and fixed your hair.

"Where's our luggage?" You look around the room "why?" He questioned you. You frown looking at him

"What the hell do you mean by 'why'?" He smirked and eyes you up and down. You pull the cover higher to your shoulder.

"What are you looking at?" You asked.

"Nothing..." he bit his inner cheek.

"I'm just admiring the view in front of me," he added, taking another sip of his drink and licking his lower lip afterwards.

"Fuck you Jungkook! Where's my luggage?!" You throw a pillow at him and raise your voice a little.

He laughed at you "chill girl. Your luggage is there" he pointed at the side of the room.

"but I prefer you naked" he turns his body around and walks away. He laughed his ass off when he heard you screaming and cursing.

Time skip [8:37pm]

"Y/n! Come on, we're gonna be late!" Jungkook yells as he feels so annoyed waiting for you to get ready.

"Coming~" you yell back. You wear your heels and take a last glance in the mirror.

You smile and winked to yourself. "Purrfect!" You walked out of the room and tapped on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Wth y/n! What took you so lo-..." his words stopped. His lips parted. His eyes scan your presence from head to toe.

(Your dress)

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(Your dress)

"Shall we?" You smiled at him and made your way to the front door. Then you felt a hand harshly grabbing you from the back. Making you turn towards the direction immediately.

"I'm not gonna lie you look fucking hot in that dress but..." he scanned your body again.

"but?..."  you asked.

"I-I just don't like the idea of the guys out there looking at you and eye fucking you" you chuckle at him.

"Are you lowkey trying to tell me that you're gonna be jealous of those womanizer guys out there?" Jungkook's eyes widened at your straightforward question.

He clears his throat "What??? Hell no! That will be the last thing I would do" he looked away and scoffed in disbelief (or so 🙄).

"Let's go" he yells as he makes his way out of the room. You smirked before making your way out as well.

Time skip (dinner)

"I told you already. They are eyeing you as if they wanna eat you here and then" he blurted.

You look around and he is goddamn right. "Well at least they can't lay a finger on me" you try to comfort him and yourself.

He rolled his eyes on you and shook his head. "I'm gonna go out and smoke. I'll be back" you say quickly grab your pack of cigarettes, your coat and your phone.

You walk away from Jungkook before he can say anything. You exit the restaurant and light up a cigarette. You inhale and exhale the smoke.

"What a beautiful lady like you doing out here alone?" You startled and almost stumbled upon the sudden greet. That man's fast act saved you from falling down on the ground.

"I don't know if I should thank you for saving me or be mad at you for making me shocked" he laughed at your statement.

"I'm sorry princess" he smiled at you.

"I'm Jimin, Park Jimin" he gives you his angelic smile and stokes his hands out for a handshake.

You smile back at him and accept his handshake "y/n..." you become fascinated by his charming face.

"Take a picture princess. It'll last longer" he leaned towards your ears. He went back to his position and winked at you. You blush at his words.

"I'm sorry" you look away from him. You both start to have a conversation and to your surprise he is not that bad. He has a lot of sense of humour.

As you were laughing and talking to him, your phone suddenly rang. You look at the caller ID on your screen and you curse yourself.

🐰 JK 🐰

"Fuck!" You gaze at Jimin. He furrowed his eyebrows while looking at you. "What's wro-" you quickly cut him off.

"I'm sorry Jimin, I need to go now. It is so nice to meet you and talk to you" you moved away from him.

"Hey y/n!" You turned around and raised your eyebrows on him "can we meet again?" You smiled and winked at him.

"Goodbye Jimin"  you wave at him.

You sit at your spot and see Jungkook's fierce gaze on you. "Sorry If I took forever. I met someone just now."

"who?" He asks.

"no one... just an acquaintance" you winked at him.

No one pov

He watched y/n make her way inside the restaurant. He tilted his head and smirked.

His index and thumb rubbed his well defined chin as he licked his lower lip. He let out a little evil chuckle.

"I'm gonna do you good this time... Jeon Jungkook... 😈"


A/n: I'm late again! Hahaha!

A/n: I'm late again! Hahaha!

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