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Part five

Y/n pov

You went back home by yourself as Jungkook wasn't able to send you home cuz he has an important meeting to attend.

You walk in the house and close the door behind you. You lean your side towards the door, closing your eyes.

You let out a deep breath, you open your eyes slowly. You take off your jacket and hang it. "What did I just get myself into?" You mumble to yourself.

Time skip (7pm)

On the phone with Namjoon

You : "I know Joonie... I just don't feel so well right now..."

Namjoon : "Are you okay? Did he fuck you too hard?"

You : "Seriously Namjoon I'm gonna fill your mouth with my invisible dick if you don't stop saying shit" you rolled your eyes.

Namjoon: laughing "okay okay I'm sorry. Alright, just take a day off today. Make sure you come to work tomorrow" he says, sounding a little serious.

You : sigh "okay playboy. Talk to you later. Bye"

Namjoon : "Okay, take care, lucky. Bye"

You ended the call and placed your phone on the coffee table. You're patiently waiting for Jungkook to come to your house. You bite your nails and bounce your legs feeling somewhat uneasy and anxious.

Then you heard knocks on the door.

"Coming~" you rush towards the door and open it. "Hi" Jungkook greets you. You smile and greet him back.

"Come in" you move to the side giving him a way to get in the house "give me your jacket. Have a seat" he gave his jacket to you and thanked you.

"Do you want anything?" You ask him.

"yeah... you" he grins after saying that. You give him your 'really' look.

"Real smooth Jungkook. Real smooth" He laughed at your reaction. "Okay I'm sorry. Do you somehow... have a... uh... banana milk? I forgot to buy them when I was on my way here" You squinted your eyes on him.

"Yes I have. Stay here. I'll be back" After a few hours of talking about knowing each other he finally let you have the agreement.

You hold the agreement and before you read them, you asked him a question. "So if your parents ask me about my career, what should I answer?"

He went silent for a moment "oh yeah I totally forgot about that" he leaned on the couch, rubbing his chin.

"Besides having talent on mixing a really great drink. What else are you good at?" He asked you.

"Sex" you replied casually.

This time he gives you his 'really' look. You chuckle at him "well I'm not gonna lie about that but seriously y/n do you have anything that you are good at?"

You look at him, trying to think about something but sadly you have none. You frown and look down.

"I'm sorry Jungkook... I'm useless" you shook your head feeling disappointed with yourself. 

"hey... you are not useless okay" he lifts your face. "Stand up" he demands. You do as he says without questioning.

"How tall are you?"


"great!" He tapped the tip of your nose.

"Great? What great?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

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