Twenty Seven

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Part twenty seven

The next day


"Come in..."

The door slowly squeaks open after hearing that from Jungkook. "Jungkook..." Jungkook who was busy checking his paperwork darted his eyes on the person.

A small smile crept on his lips "oh Namjoon... you're here" he kept his documents neatly away and got up from his seat.

He unbuttoned his blazer and placed it properly on his chair. "Come in... please have a seat" they both shake hands before Jungkook gestured to him to sit on the couch.

"Thank you" Namjoon replies, smiling at Jungkook showing his deep dimples. "Do you want anything to drink?" Jungkook questioned, turning his head a little and glanced at Namjoon.

"Anything you're having is fine for me." He replied. Jungkook nodded. A few minutes later he walked back to the couch and placed down the two hot white coffee.

"Thank you" he took the hot drink and took a sip slowly before hissing in silence of how good the coffee is "so what makes you invite me here?" Namjoon questioned placing the cup down and leaned on the couch with his left arm stretched on the couch header.

"I want to know about y/n's step brother. I mean everything about him" Jungkook said.

"Can you tell me everything that happened between them?" He added making Namjoon feel kinda tense but then he nodded.

"Yeah sure... so y/n's mom married her step father when she was 16 and her step brother was 17. Everything went well for a moment until one day he decided to change the delicate clear air to toxic by confessing to y/n about how he felt to her. But y/n... she doesn't feel the same towards him. She rejected him nicely by telling him it wasn't good and what he felt for her was wrong in every way because they're literally siblings now" he sighed.

"Well I guess he didn't take it very well. He began to act so weird and flirtatious whenever he saw her alone as if he wanted to lure her but she didn't even get into his trap until one day..." Namjoon stopped talking and let out a deep sigh.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked. His voice sounded raspy and uneasy. Namjoon glares at him once before darts his eyes on the floor. Biting his inner cheek while rubbing both of his palms together "please tell me Namjoon..." Jungkook pleads.

Namjoon breathes out a huge amount of air. He laid his eyes on Jungkook, then he continued "He decided to do something bad to her..."


Namjoon nodded "how bad?" Namjoon chuckled painfully "so bad Jungkook..." he shook his head. "Can I continue?" Namjoon added.

Jungkook nodded slowly, gulping hard.

"So he tried to do something out of her will. He... he forced her to actually have sex with him. Which she denied so badly. They both were still at school when the scene occurred. I don't know what have occurred his head or sanity on that very moment. He ripped her top. She kept struggling to let go of his strong grip but of course she couldn't but then, she screamed as loud as she could. That's when the teacher found both of them in the empty classroom. She saved y/n while her brother was caught and brought to the principal's office. They called their parents and when his parents reached there, the principal told him everything that happened. Y/n have such a pure soul. She kept turning off the school to make a police report on him with a reason she doesn't want her brother to not have a good future. His father didn't believe it because he is being such a good boy in front of his dad. He was expelled straight away and to make that case worse his dad had a heart attack and he passed away on his way to the hospital... He kept on coming to y/n and blamed her for the death of his father until her mother made a police report on him and he was warned by the police to keep at least 20 metres away from y/n. I guess he disappeared from the people because of his father's death and of course because of the warnings from the police..."

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